An Transdisciplinary Approach for Building A Sustainable Society? Creative Innovation & Manufacturing Thank you for providing this opportunity for me to be here. My talk will focus on the new engineering development and its approach to create sustainable value. An Transdisciplinary Approach for Building A Sustainable Society?
Addressing a Global Challenge My research has been targeting on a global challenge: mass emission, consumption, waste and climate change which deteriorates the availability of materials, energy and green environmental.
Consume less? Thank you for providing this opportunity for me to be here. My talk will focus on the new engineering development and its approach to create sustainable value.
Creative Innovation and Manufacturing My recent research activities have explored the way to utilise the collective creativity of many people to deliver renewable energy, local and distributed production, green consumption and re-manufacturing so that engineers and work together public communities and all other stakeholders to build a sustainable planet.
Creative Innovation and Manufacturing EPSRC Digital Economy Project – Value Co-creation To engage creativity of users, I have been developing low cost 3D printing technologies and easy-to-use design and web tools for users to enjoy creative product and experience. Last month, I also submitted a EU proposal aiming to explore new community-based manufacturing for the creation of material-less and value rich products and business.
Creative and Low Carbon Manufacturing Industrial collaborative project: create more with less Also, I have worked closely with industrial partners to develop lightweight material structures, product design and optimisation and manufacturing process optimisation techniques. TSB SAVING Project TSB AVLAM Project
Engineering composites Advanced Materials My material research also include biomaterials and food materials. I am actually working on a EU proposal on Personalised Chocolate Production and going to submit it next Tuesday. Bio-composites Engineering composites
Creative Education, Research & Exploitation My main approach for teaching is to let students in participating new research and technology development.
Creative Lab Initiatives My work has been widely disseminated into public communities and I think it is very excited to bring many people in engineering words to make various products including creating and building cars locally. This will provide new way to create sustainable values.
Thanks & Outlook Thanks for your attention. I think this new engineering school has made a great achievement and laid a solid foundation for future success.