Psychology: the scientific study of behavior and mental processes Behavior: outward or overt actions and reactions Mental processes: internal, covert activity of our minds Prevents possible biases from leading to faulty observations. Behavior :Outward and overt actions ( i.e., talking, facial expressions, movement) Mental process: thinking, feeling, remembering In the event of observing a behavior you muct avoid the possibility of seeing what you want to see.
FOUR GOALS OF PSYCHOLOGY 1st Goal : Description (What is happening? ) -Observing a behavior and noting everything about it 2nd Goal: Explanation (Why is it happening?) -Finding explanations is an important step in the process of forming theories of behavior. Theory: general explanation of a set of observations or facts 3rd Goal: Prediction(When will it happen in the future?) 4th Goal: Control (How can it be changed?) Involves changing or modifying an undesirable behavior to a desirable one Description: When observing what is happening, where it happens, who it happens to and under what circumstances For example: stereotypical views of computer science and why it is a male dominated field. Surrounding a computer is junk food , science-fivtion , gadget, star trek lover etc. Explanation: Here is where you attempt to explain your observation? Which is why there is such a low number of woman in computer science. Predictions: In order to have more woman in computer science, something different needs to be done like change the environment ( the perception of that type of field) Comments Not all psychological investigations try to meet all 4 goals -Some may focus on description and prediction. Ex. Personality theorist who wants to know what ppl are like and what they might do in certain situations. Some may focus on description and explanation -Exp psych who designs research to find explanations for observed (described) behavior Therapists may be more interested in controlling or influencing behavior and mental process
WILHELM WUNDT STRUCTURALISM The Father of Psychology 1st Psychology Laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879 Attempted to apply scientific principles to the study of the human mind Believed that consciousness could be broken down into thoughts, experiences, emotions, and other basic elements Developed the technique of objective introspection: the process of objectively examining and measuring one’s thoughts and mental activities
STRUCTURALISM Edward Titchener Margaret F. Washburn Wundt’s student; brought structuralism to America Believed that objective introspection could be used on thoughts as well as on physical sensations Margaret F. Washburn Titchener’s student; first woman to earn a P h.D in psychology Published a book on animal behavior, The Animal Mind (Washburn, 1908). Structuralism died out in the early nineteen hundreds.
FUNCTIONALISM Functionalism as proposed by William James How the mind allows people to function in the real world – how they work, play, and adapt to their surroundings Influenced by Darwin’s ideas on natural selection: the passing of traits to offspring Contribution of Women Mary Whiton Calkins: earliest research in the area of human memory and the psychology of the self
Charles Darwin Natural Selection Nature v. Nurture (Biology or Experience) Characteristics Genes Environment Who you are In 1859, Darwin published a book titled On the Origin of Species Evolutionary in which organisms that are best adapted to their environment will survive and, importantly, produce offspring.
Three levels of Analysis Biological Psychological Social- Cultural Biopsychosocial Approach
Psychology Approaches
Psychology’s Subfields
Applied Research( practical problems) Psychometrics: study the measurement of our abilities, attitudes and traits Applied Research( practical problems) Basic Research ( Builds knowledge) Development Psychologist: study human changing abilities womb to tomb. Educational Psychologist: teaching and learning Personality Psychologist: Investigating persistent traits Social Psychologist: exploring how we view and affect one another Industrial/organizational psychologist: used in the work place Human Factors psychologist: focus on people interactions, machines and physical environments Counseling Psychologist: cope with challenges. Help improve their personal and social functioning Clinical Psychologist: assess and treat mental, emotional and behavior disorder Psychiatrist: MD prescribe medicine
Tips for Studying Psychology Survey, Question, Read, Rehearse and Review ( SQ3R) Study Tips Distribute your study time Learn to think critically In class, listen actively Overlearn Be a smart test-taker