Introduction to Watercolor VMA-123 Professor E. Flores
Watercolor-What is it made of Watercolor is made using powered pigment and a binder, typically gum arabic to hold the paint in what is called suspension. The binder also allows the pigment to adhere to the support (paper.)
Watercolor is about Water Watercolor is applied using a wet brush and paint. By varying the amount of water absorbed in the brush/pigment, size/texture of the brush and pressure applied you can achieve a variety of strokes.
Watercolor Tools: Paper: choose a cold press this has a little bit of texture or tooth to the surface, it is also more forgiving for beginner painters. Brushes: Watercolor brushes have short handles, are soft and are made either by synthetic hair or animal hair. Brushes come in all shapes and sizes. The number on the brush refers to its size. Paint: Comes in tubes and pans. I prefer tubes as the colors appears more brilliant. It will dry after use and you can reactivate by adding water. This makes watercolor a cheaper medium as you can reuse it again and again! Pallet: A plastic pallet is my preference as it comes with a lid and easy transport. Watercolor is a stain and will stain your clothes. Lifter: I use magic erasure sponges as well as sea sponges, paper towels and cotton rags to lift color. Masking Fluid: This a fluid used to save the whites of your painting for highlights. It can be applied and even painted over but later removed with a gum eraser. Watercolor is not easily erased so this tool helps.
Watercolor is used with WATER Watercolor is a transparent medium as it controlled with water and in order to achieve color brilliance, value and volume . You will work in layers.
Watercolor Vocabulary Transparent : Allows light or the white of the paper to show through the paint. Watercolor is a transparent medium. Opaque-The opposite of transparent. Light does not shine through the paint but reflect paint- this the effect when gouache is added. Bead-tiny pool of color that forms at the bottom of you brush formed by gravity. Wet into wet- using wet medium into a wet surface creating a bleed of color Lifting-removing the pigment via sponge, paper towel, cloth, or any other means as to reestablish light. Dry brush-Using a brush with very little moisture in order to achieve hair like texture. Gradation- gradual change in color, value or color intensity
Continue Vocabulary Gradation wash- change in value, color, intensity in smooth transition using washes. Wash-A thinned fluid application of color Glaze- painting a transparent color over a dry color thus modifying it. Variegated Wash-A wash of two or more colors that are applied to wet paper. The colors merge but still retain there original color. Flat wash-an area of painting where a single wash of color is painted in a series of multiple overlapping strokes creating a flat color. Lightfast-a pigments resistance to fading from the effects of sunlight
Famous Watercolorist Winslow Homer 1836-1910
John Singer Sargent-1856-1925
Charles Demuth-1883-1935
Mary Whyte- 1953-
JMW Turner 1775-1851
Paul Klee 1879-1940