Partnering with a Public Housing Authority Angie Nguyen, Chief of Staff Fresno Housing Authority July 18, 2017
Who We Serve 50,000 residents 17,000 families 24,000 children (0-18) 1,900 seniors Nearly 13,000 Housing Vouchers (for 38,000 individuals) 4,000+ housing units (for 12,000 residents)
Fresno Housing Programs Continuum of Care Legacy Shelter Plus Care – 158 units Renaissance Permanent Supportive Housing – 118 units Rapid Rehousing – 51 units CoC partnerships – 78 units
Fresno Housing Programs cont’d Community collaborations Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) HOME Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) CalWORKs Housing Support Program Family Unification Program Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS (HOPWA)
CoC Leadership Collaborative Applicant Lead Agency Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Executive Committee Built for Zero Leadership Team MAP Point (trailer for beginning phase of Coordinated Entry)
Brokering the Deal Vouchers or Units Limited Preferences Attrition Dedicated units identified in Management Plan for Affordable Housing Property At Pre-Development Planning Stage (if there are financing implications) Benefits of Housing Navigator assistance on PHAs “lease up rates” and Supportive Services on “retention rates” (usually Admin burden)
Limited Preference Targeted for families/individuals who are graduating from/timing out of homeless programs and/or initiatives Or special purpose voucher programs to prevent homelessness Can be used for CoC reallocation to prevent homelessness Based on referrals from identified agencies and established partnerships Limited to 200 vouchers
Creating Collaboration Successful tenancy Services to bridge the transition to PH Documentation of in-kind (S+C) Prep applicants for leasing appointments Transportation, personal documents Lease Up Time Informed Housing Decisions (location) Move in Costs Public Comment on Agency/Admin Plan
*Nan McKay HCV Executive Management Training, October 2016
Policy Flexibilities (example) Criminal Background & Arrest Records (PIH Notice 2015-19) Mandatory denials vs. optional Lookback periods Mitigating circumstances Housing access and reentry
Advocacy Federal budget Local budget and local policies City Council/County Board of Supervisors Resident Advisory Boards Board of Commissioners Legal Services
Partnership Ideas PHA to administer rental assistance/perform housing process Co-locate staff Collaborative Applicant or UFA for CoC Designated units in affordable housing Developer for PSH Housing Navigation & Supportive Services (target population) to improve metrics in lease up, moves/transfers, abatements, retention
Contact Info Angie Nguyen Chief of Staff Fresno Housing Authority (559) 443-8439