San Francisco Housing Authority (SFHA) Leased Housing Programs SEMAP updates as of May 31st, 2017
Table of Contents Program Utilization Summary 3 - 5 6 - 10 Program Leasing Summary 6 - 10 PIC Reporting Rate 11 – 12 Operational Updates – Recertifications and Inspections 13 - 14 Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) 15 – 17 Department Activities in Progress 18
Overall HCV Program Utilization Program Utilization Summary Overall HCV Program Utilization
VASH utilization is at 92% and FUP utilization is at 77% Special Programs Utilization VASH utilization is at 92% and FUP utilization is at 77%
Special Program (PBV, RAD & MOD) Leasing RAD Lease Up Progress Property RAD Leased TPV Leased 227 Bay 93% 100% 990 Pacific 80% 0% Robert Pitts 83% 82% 939 & 951 Eddy Street 97% 430 Turk 89% 666 Ellis 68% 15% Holly Courts 95% 25 Sanchez 77% 462 Duboce 84% 88% 255 Woodside 87% 74% 1880 Pine 81% 22% 345 Arguello 86% 45% 491 31st Hunters Point E & W 31% RAD Leasing Priorities SFHA is on target to hit leasing goals for the RAD properties
Program Utilization & Leasing Key Takeaways SFHA is working on proactive lease-up statistics that will help guide leasing projections for PBV, MOI, VASH and RAD RAD Final Phase Leasing is continuing and on pace RAD Working groups continue to prove helpful for improving operational efficiencies Working with HSH on direct referrals with MOI to increase HCV leasing. The use of wrap around services should improve lease-up success rates. Total of 198 vouchers have been issued (30 scheduled for June 16) and 13 individuals placed SFHA is working closely with HUD to maximize voucher utilization and to fully implement the HUD Two Year Tool. Working with Elite to provide accurate vacancy reports across entire PBV portfolio.
The confirmed May 2017 PIC Reporting rate for HCV is 99%. SFHA expects PIC reporting rate to jump back up to 100% in the coming months
PIC Reporting Key Takeaways 99% is the confirmed reporting rate for HCV programs for May 2017. PIC reporting numbers fluctuate monthly based on Voucher Management System (VMS) reported voucher utilization numbers HUD requires that the SFHA reporting rate be at 95% or higher.
Annual Recertifications and Inspections SFHA is at 95% for annual recertifications for May 2017 and 96% for inspections. Program FY16 May 2017 Annual Recertifications 94% 95% Annual Inspections 97% 96%
Operational Updates – Recertifications and Inspections Key Takeaways 95% is the confirmed Annual Recertification rate for May 2017. SFHA has reached HIGH PERFORMER in this indicator. 96% is the confirmed Annual HQS Inspection rate for May 2017. SFHA has reached HIGH PERFORMER in this indicator and will be receiving maximum points. HCV team will continue monitoring productivity on a weekly basis to ensure both inspections and recertifications are addressed timely
The projected SEMAP score as of 6/9/17 is 75.9%. SEMAP Preliminary Report The projected SEMAP score as of 6/9/17 is 75.9%. May 2017 Score: 79.3%
SEMAP Trending Analysis The SFHA is monitoring SEMAP on a monthly basis. As of May 2017 SEMAP score is 69%
Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) Key Takeaways The SFHA is monitoring SEMAP monthly. An overall score of 60-89% will receive a standard rating per HUD. Currently undergoing SEMAP 2016 pre-confirmatory with HUD contractors. Experienced decrease in annual recertifications in May Were able to get clarification on adjusted income reviews and are now scoring higher on this indicator
Department Activities Department Activities in Progress Department Activities Landlord Engagement Activities: Second Landlord Workshop was held of June 13th. - Topics include: Tenant screening, landlord obligations, lease enforcement Working on survey reports from workshops. Online survey accessible by SFHA website continues to collect responses. Audit Activities: Currently undergoing Single File Audit - Audit findings have been identified and SFHA is currently reviewing and responding to the cause and corrective actions where applicable. Pre-confirmatory review by HUD TA contract was concluded. HUD Field office received the final report and will share with SFHA soon. SEMAP: HUD Confirmatory review occurred in May. SFHA is awaiting final notification of results.