The Coming Kingdom of God The Antichristian World System and the Visible Kingdom of God --Part III of “the Triumph of the Crucified”
Outline I – the Antichristian World System The Person of the Antichrist Antichrist’s System Signs of the Time The Judgment Upon Antichrist
Outline II – the Visible Kingdom of Christ Its Historical Reality The Glory of the Kingdom of God on Earth World Ruin and World Judgment
S1.1 The Person of the Antichrist The Coming of the Antichrist The Names of the Antichrist The Personality of the Antichrist The Forerunners of the Antichrist
S1.2 Antichrist’s System The Satanic Triunity The Cultural Triunity The Anti – God: The Dragon The Anti – Son (Antichrist): The Breast The Anti – Spirit: The false prophet The Cultural Triunity Political World Unity Commercial World Unity Religious World Unity
S1.3 Signs of the Time I. The Mystery of the Fourth World Empire of Daniel II. Many signs of the times show the End draws near 1. Rapid Development of Means of Communication 2. World Commerce 3. Development of War Technique 4. Armies numbering millions 5. Religious world Propaganda 6. Suppression of Religious Liberty 7. Wars and Rumors of War to the End 8. World Evangelization 9. Israel.
S1.4 The Judgment Upon Antichrist I. The Great Tribulation II. The Appearing of the Lord III. The Destruction of the Satanic Trinity IV. The Judgment of the Nations in the Valley of Jehshaphat V. The Establishment of the Kingdom of Glory
S2: The Visible Kingdom of Christ S2.1 Its Historical Reality The Only Adequate Confirmation of the Truthfulness and Covenant Faithfulness of God to His Promise The Only Logical Interpretation of Old Testament Messianic Prophecy The Only Explanation of the history of the End which agrees with the words of the Lord Jesus and His apostles The Only complete Conclusion of Divine self-justification in the history of salvation The Only and necessary means of carrying forward human history from its present stage on to its goal in the eternal kingdom of the Father
S2.2 The Glory of the Kingdom of God on Earth I. Christ, The Divine King II. The People of Israel III. The Nations IV. The Church V. The Nature
S2.3 World Ruin and World Judgment World Imperfection World Rebellion World Destruction World Judgment
Part IV. World Consummation and the Heavenly Jerusalem The New Heaven and the New Earth Old and New World Heaven and Earth Eternity and Time Spiritual Body and (In)-Visibility The Eternal World and Symbolism The New Jerusalem a. The Glory of the City b. The Foundation of the City c. The Jasper Wall d. The Gates of Pearl e. The Inhabitants of the City f. Life in the City g. The Size of the City The Perfected Temple of God IV. The Glorified Paradise