Revolution and Change in France


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Presentation transcript:

Revolution and Change in France Main Idea During the 1800s opposing groups in France struggled to determine what kind of government France would have—a republic, a constitutional monarchy, or an absolute monarchy. Reading Focus What happened during the Revolution of 1830? What were the results of the birth of the French republic? How did the Dreyfus affair reveal divisions within French society?

The Revolution of 1830 A King Abdicates At the end of the Napoleonic era, the Congress of Vienna restored Louis XVIII to the French throne. The French had a constitution and a legislature, but most power remained with the king. Charles X inherited throne with death of brother, Louis XVIII Tried to rule as absolute monarch Citizens revolted in 1830 Charles abdicated, fled to England A King Abdicates

Louis Philippe Life under the new king Aristocrat popular with middle class Called “citizen king” Opened vote to more men Limited to freedom of the press More power to wealthy Larger gap between poor and rich Economic depression of 1846

Identify Cause and Effect What were the effects of the Revolution of 1830? Answer(s): King Charles X abdicated and was replaced by King Louis Philippe, the “citizen king.”

Birth of a Republic The Revolution of 1848 The economic troubles and general unhappiness simmered until 1848. Then revolution exploded again and another republic was born. French government banned banquet planned by reformers Middle- and working- class protesters took to streets Louis Philippe abdicated New government formed, a republic headed by a president Voters elected Napoleon’s nephew, Louis Napoleon The Revolution of 1848

Second Republic Era known as Second Republic Revolution of 1848 had far-reaching effects: ensured all adult men had right to vote, inspired other European revolutions

Napoleon III and the Second Empire French constitution allowed president to serve four years Louis Napoleon wanted to remain in office 1851, sent troops to Paris, arrested members of National Assembly who opposed him Called for national vote on drafting new constitution 1852, French elected him Emperor Napoleon III New Constitution

Reforms of the Empire Period became known as Second Empire Napoleon III made reforms such as increasing voting rights but always kept absolute power as emperor Ruled during time of economic prosperity Built many miles of railroads, helped increase trade and improved communications in France French Rail Station

The Third Republic War with Prussia Reforms of the Republic 1870, Napoleon III was tricked into war with Prussia Napoleon III was captured and surrendered to Prussians Reforms of the Republic Primary education became available for children between 6-13 Trade union were legalized, working hours were reduced, and the work week was cut to 6 days Deposed Leader Shameful defeat led French Assembly to depose Napoleon III and proclaimed the Third Republic

Third republic Important Reforms Primary education available for children between 6 and 13 Trade unions legalized, working hours reduced, workers got one day off per week

Why did the French elect Louis Napoleon as their president? Draw Conclusions Why did the French elect Louis Napoleon as their president? Answer(s): possible answer—because of his famous name and family legacy

The Dreyfus Affair Dreyfus Evidence Divisions within French society came to head over controversial Dreyfus Affair, revealing extent of French anti-Semitism, prejudice toward Jews Alfred Dreyfus, captain in French army, Jewish Falsely accused of betraying military secrets to Germany Anti-Semitic officers knew he was not guilty, let Dreyfus take blame Dreyfus Dreyfus humiliated in public ceremony, uniform stripes removed, sword broken Evidence suggested another, non-Jewish, officer may have been spy, but found not guilty in court Dreyfus not cleared until 1906 Evidence

Dreyfus Affair Creates Movement Zola 1898, French writer Émile Zola defended Dreyfus Published letter accusing French government of anti-Semitism Letter set off riots, led French courts to reopen Dreyfus’s case Effects Many political groups united into two—those for Dreyfus and those against Theodor Herzl began Zionism movement, called for re-creation of a Jewish state in original homeland Zionism Herzl believed root of anti-Semitism was that Jews did not have own nation 1900s, many Jews had settled in eastern Mediterranean area, Palestine Settlements caused other Jews to follow, Zionist movement strengthened