Unit 2 Revolution/Nationalism In the 1700s, France was considered the most advanced country of Europe, but Revolution begins in France because of wide gap between the different social classes.
1. What was the relationship between the Enlightenment and the French Revolution? The most significant connection between the Enlightenment and the French Revolution was that the ideas of this movement CAUSED THIS REVOLUTION. The Enlightenment spirit of challenging the old traditional social and political structures! The desire to replace these old structures with more reasonable “new” ones.
2. What were the causes of the French Rev.? Causes of the French Revolution: The Old Regime Economic problems - High taxes on 3rd Estate A weak leader – King Louis XVI ENLIGHTENMENT IDEAS : Disturbing questions raised by members of the Third Estate People of the Third Estate began questioning the feudal structure of society, using words like “equality, liberty & democracy”
Key People of the Time Louis XVI – King of France inherited debt from predecessors, but supporting the American Revolution nearly doubled the debt. Ignores the cries of reform from the 3rd Estate. Marie Antoinette – Queen of France Royal family of Austria, married Louis XVI. Spent a lot of money on gowns, jewels, and gifts…
#3 What was the 1st violent act of rebellion during the French Revolution? July 14, 1789 - The Storming of the Bastille Prison Citizens of Paris attacked the prison, looking for ammunition to protect themselves from the King’s troops.
#4. Identify D.O.R.O.M.A.C. French Revolution France’s Old Regime was ended with the adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of Man that showed the influence of Enlightenment ideas and the American Revolution. It stated that men are born and remain free and equal in rights (liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression).
The Old Regime – Review of the “Estates” First Estate: made up of clergy of Roman Catholic Church and scorned Enlightenment ideas. Second Estate: made up of rich nobles. Held highest offices in gov’t. and disagreed with enlightenment ideas. Third Estate: bourgeoisie (middle class), urban lower class, and peasant farmers. No power and embraced Enlightenment ideas. The French Revolution was an effort to bring down the OLD REGIME
Key People of the Time Maximilien Robespierre - Slowly gathered power and set out to build a “Republic of Virtue.” He orchestrated France’s “Reign of Terror”…
French Rev. V.I.P.’s- Robespierre Reign of Terror - Robespierre makes a connection between virtue and terror. He executes the “enemies”of his Republic of Virtue– 100,000’s are killed including Queen Marie Antoinette until Robespierre is finally beheaded. CONNECTION: Josef Stalin does the same to his people with his “Great Purge” of the “enemies of the USSR” in the 1930’s…
V.I.P’s of the French Rev. - Napoleon! Napoleon Bonaparte comes to power - Hero of the hour, Napoleon seizes power and dissolves the Directory in a coup d’etat Napoleon creates an Empire throughout Europe –brings order after the Revolution; imperial ambitions – Napoleonic WARS
5. How was the leadership of Louis XVI and Napoleon the same?! Both had full power/control of France. Louis XVI was an absolute ruler for most of his reign Napoleon became emperor of France with absolute power over France
6. How was Napoleon’s invasion of Russia a BIG MISTAKE? Invasion of Russia – a complete disaster for Nap’s forces b/c of Russia’s “scorched earth” tactics and the severe winter weather. Nap’s army went from 600,000 to 10,000
#7: What was Napoleon's greatest contribution? Napoleonic Code - A uniform set of laws- his lasting legacy to Europe!
The Napoleonic Code of Laws
8: What did the Congress of Vienna achieve for Europe?
The Congress restored a balance of power in Europe! 8. Congress of Vienna – After the defeat of Napoleon… The congress wanted security & peaceful stability for the entire European continent. The Congress restored a balance of power in Europe!
9. Creoles led revolutions to break away from what European power who controlled most of South America (1820’s)? Spain!
10. Who unified Germany? How did he do it? Otto Von Bismarck controlled Germany through his use of the “Realpolitik" policy. REALPOLITIK – (POLITICS OF REALITY) through BUILDING UP THE MILITARY & WAGING WAR, he formed a German empire that challenged Great Britain. He increased national pride and political/economic power in Germany
11. What Japanese revolution resulted from US imperial pressure (1868) 11. What Japanese revolution resulted from US imperial pressure (1868)? How did this change Japan for the better? The Meiji Restoration Japan modernized to compete with western nations successfully and build an empire in Asia.