Approval Process Undergraduate – UCC Courses (new, revisions, deletions1, ACE certification and recertification CASNR Curriculum Committee Graduate – Graduate Council Undergraduate – UCC Cross-listings (additions or deletions)2 CASNR Curriculum Committee Graduate – Graduate Council Options and minors3 CASNR Curriculum Committee Specializations4 CASNR Curriculum Committee Graduate Council College core requirements and academic policies, transfer articulation agreements CASNR Curriculum Committee Substitution/waivers, student appeals, bulletin copy (format, consistency, accuracy, editorial), operating procedures for the curriculum committee CASNR Curriculum Committee 1 Submitted to UCC for notification purposes only 2 Refer to for guidelines on cross-listings. 3 Approval by UNL Graduate Council needed for an interdepartmental graduate minor. 4 Undergraduate specializations do need approval beyond the CASNR Curriculum Committee.
Approval Process New degree programs, name changes for credentialed academic program and certificates Unit Curriculum Committee (Unit Administrator's Transmittal Letter to CASNR Curriculum Committee) CASNR Curriculum Committee (CASNR Faculty Approval and Dean’s Transmittal Letter to IANR Vice Chancellor) Undergraduate Graduate IANR Vice Chancellor IANR Vice Chancellor UNL Graduate Council APC APC Chancellor (After approval, sends the proposal to the NU Provost with a memo for consideration by CAO) Chancellor After approval, sends the proposal to the NU Provost (Dean of Graduate Studies) with a memo for consideration by Executive Graduate Council NU Provost & CAO Board of Regents NU Provost & Executive Graduate Council Board of Regents Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education Reference Documents: Checklist for New Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Programs New Undergraduate Degree Program IANR New Graduate Degree Program IANR Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education