dEFINITION Skeletal System - A body system consisting of bones and the tissues connecting them.
Quick Bones facts Your bones are the supports of your entire body. They allow you to stand and to move. Your bones are made up of living tissues and cells. Bones are hard on the outside, and spongy on the inside There are 206 separate bones in the adult human body The femur is the largest bone. The smallest bones are located in the ear (stirrup).
Types of bones There are five different types of bones. Long Short Flat Irregular Sesamoid
Long Bones that are much longer than wide. Mostly in limbs (arms & legs) Examples: Femur Ulna Radius Fibia
short Short and “cube” shaped. Found mostly in the wrist and ankles Example: Patella
flat Flat bones are thin and often curved in shape Examples: Skull Sternum
Irregular Bones that do not fit into any of the previous categories Examples: Spine Pelvis
sesamoid Bones that are surrounded by tendons. Act to keep the tendon away from the joint. Examples: Patella Pisiform (wrist)
joints Joints – places where one bone meets another. There are four major different types of joints Pivot Hinge Ball and Socket Gliding
Pivot Pivot joints consist of one bone rotating inside a ring created by the other bone. This joint can move up and down and from side to side. Example: Neck
Hinge This joint moves only in one direction like a door hinge. Examples: Elbow Knee
Ball and Socket The round end of one bone moves inside the other bone’s cup-shaped opening. Can move in all directions Examples: Hip Shoulder
Gliding Allow one bone to slide over another. Move in a back and forth motion Examples: Wrist Ankles
Bones of the core Skull Mandible Ribs Vertebrae Pelvis Scapula Clavicle
Bones of the arms Humerus Radius Ulna Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges
Bones of the legs Femur Patella Tarsals Tibia Fibula Metatarsals
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Calcium Calcium is the major mineral found in our bones. Calcium builds the hard structure of bones making them strong. Teens needs roughly 1300 mg of calcium daily.
Bone health psa For Monday, you will create a public service announcement on bone health. You may either create a poster, write a paper, or create a video. The specific guidelines for each choice are outlined in the rubric you will pick up after the quiz.