“No one has ever become poor by giving.” Monday Reflection “No one has ever become poor by giving.” www.HumansNotRobots.co.uk
Who said it? Anne Frank was a German Jewish girl who had to go into hiding with her family when the Nazis took control. The Nazis made Jewish people a scapegoat for Germany’s problems. They took away their rights to vote, own property and to work in professional jobs. They spread lies about them and turned many ordinary people against them. Many people were afraid to speak out or help. They then started placing Jews in prison camps – and eventually started killing them, in what we now call ‘The Holocaust’. When Anne Frank fled, a group of people in Holland sheltered her and gave her food, clothing etc. They did this during a time of war and poverty. More importantly, they were risking their lives. Before being captured, Anne Frank kept a diary which has become an important text from that time. www.HumansNotRobots.co.uk
Your response… Why did people risk their lives to shelter Anne Frank? What did Anne Frank’s protectors gain from giving? What’s the greatest thing someone has given you? How does it feel when you give a present? www.HumansNotRobots.co.uk Taking it further: Read some of AF’s Diary, Create a Poem, Summary Picture, Related News Story
sacrifice Word of the Week Noun & Verb Something you give away that is of a high value and is hard to replace. synonyms: give, offer, suffer, endure, lose antonyms: refuse, reject, deny www.HumansNotRobots.co.uk
Weekly Puzzle ‘sacrifice’ Across 1. A famous Bible story about helping others... [G S] 3. A word used to describe something that has been given, often money... [D] 8. Full name of a famous nun who spent her life working for charity in India... [MT] 11. The surname of a Charles Dickens character who started off rich & selfish but changed his ways... [S] 13. A common name for groups which organise help for the needy... [C] 14. A word that many charities use in their title - meaning to give help... [A] 15. The word commonly used for something which is given... [G] Down 2. When you pay someone to do an activity for charity [S] 4. The name given to a wealthy person who gives a lot of their money away... [P] 5. An old-fashioned word for a gift of money or food designed to help someone - sounds like a part of your body... [A] 6. The name given to a person who gives their life for a cause... [M] 7. Surname of a famous billionaire who says he is giving all of his money to charity... [G] 9. Something very important, and free, that we can give to other people... [T] 10. A word used to describe any project designed to help human beings have a better life... [H] 12. A word used for when something is given to help a person or people suffering from famine, homelessness or another kind of crisis... [R] Charity A common name for groups which organises help for the needy... [C] Donation A word used to describe something that has been given, often when it is money... [D] Time Something very important, and free, that we can give to other people... [T] Philanthropist The name given to a wealthy person who gives a lot of their money away... [P] Martyr The name given to a person who gives their life for a cause... [M] Humanitarian A word used to describe any project designed to help human beings have a better life... [H] Alms An old-fashioned word for a gift of money or food designed to help someone - sounds like a part of your body... [A] Relief A word used for when something is given to help a person or people suffering from famine, homelessness or another kind of crisis... [R] Scrooge The name of a famous Charles Dickens character who started off selfish but changed his ways... [S] Good Samaritan A famous Bible story about helping others... [G S] Gift The word commonly used for something which is given... [G] Aid A word that many charities use in their title - means to give help... [A] Gates Surname of a famous billionaire who says he is giving all his money to charity... [G] Mother Theresa Full name of a famous nun who spent her life working for charity in India... [MT] Sponsor When you pay someone to do an activity for charity [S]