TimeForce Administrator AA/FM Roundup October 26, 2016 Ana C. Gonzalez Payroll Assistant TimeForce Administrator Vanessa Sifuentes Accounting Manager
FSLA and STC Overtime Policy 4520 Requests for overtime work for non-exempt employees may only be authorized by the appropriate supervisor with approval of the President. Exceptions may be granted in emergency situations. All overtime worked must be properly authorized including hours to be worked and an explanation of the reason for the overtime. Employees working unauthorized hours may be subject to disciplinary action. http://admin.southtexascollege.edu/president/policies/pdf/4000/4520.pdf http://www.dol.gov/whd/overtime_pay.htm
Excerpt of the compensation for overtime policy 4520
Review Questions If an employee works overtime without asking permission from supervisor or authorized individual, does the College still have to pay him/her for the hours worked over 40 in that week? If a supervisor explicitly informs the employee there is no budget for overtime and therefore absolutely no overtime is to be worked, but the employee still works overtime hours, is the College responsible to still pay them those hours? What options do supervisors have for employees who work overtime without written or verbal permission?
What is over time and Straight time??? Overtime : Any hours physically worked over 40 per week and paid at 1.50 rate. Straight time: Any hours over 40 that are NOT physically worked per week (Ex. Vacation, sick, or holidays) are paid out at a regular hourly pay rate. Note that any leave without pay is to be deducted from the employees regular hours worked per week. *** Request for overtime must include both Overtime and Straight time worked.***
Overtime Example
Straight- time
Leave with out pay Example
Estimating Overtime and Straight time Weekly Hour Detail Report- Used to estimate overtime and straight time.
Weekly hour Detail Report Go to your reports tab Under your hours reports go to Weekly Hours Detail Select your employees Select you Date Range: Custom And Select your parameters: Employee ID, Employee Name, Dep., Include Absences, Overtime 1, Page Break, Regular Hours and Total Hours. Launch in a Separate Window and Display your report Note that the date range will begin starting on a Monday and end on a Sunday. Example
Weekly Hour Detail
Example 4/03/2016
The total overtime and straight for the month time would be????? 1.00 OT/STP
Dealing with Split weeks It is important to note that when dealing with split weeks the day which the overtime or straight is worked will be the month with the OT/STP will be counted toward. What exactly do I mean by this?
Overtime was reached on the 2nd of October therefore OT/STP counts for October
Number of OT/STP Before the end of the month = (Total Hours before the 1st ) (40 hours regularly worked during a work week) 28th- 31st Will be considered as a Regular work week in which employee works a total number of 40 hours. 10.00 14.50 8.00 The 8 hours here will be straight time for the following month Jan. Week 1: 4.25 Week 2 12.50 Week 3 1.25 Week 4 0.00 Total OT/STP Dec. + 40.50 - 40.00 + Week 5 .50 .50 18.50
Calculating Straight-Time and Overtime Thank you Calculating Straight-Time and Overtime Ana Cristina Gonzalez, Payroll Assistant -TimeForce Management Email: agonza53@southtexascollege.edu Phone: (956) 872-4629 Elida Rangel, Payroll Accountant Email: evaldez_3158@southtexascollege.edu Phone: (956) 872-4641 Vanessa Sifuentes, Accounting Group Manager Email: vsifuentes@southtexascollege.edu Phone: (956) 872-4674 Blanca Sanchez, Payroll Assistant- Monthly Payroll Processing Email: Bsanchez_2699@southtexascollege.edu Phone: (956) 872-4613 Rachel Jaramillo, Payroll Assistant- Semi-Monthly Payroll Processing Email: rjaramillo_8214@southtexascollege.edu Phone: (956) 872-4606 Nora Cantu, Accountant- Budget Control Email: rjaramillo_8214@southtexascollege.edu Phone: (956) 872-4606 Ana C. Gonzalez TimeForce Administrator