How to become veterinary Felicia’s Career Path How to become veterinary
My Career Goals I want to become a veterinary by 2029 To get there, I will need to: Graduate high school by June 2019 Take all high school requirement courses Apply to different Veterinary studies universities Save up for programs Work on attaining a scholarship Need to volunteer for 80 hours with animals
What is a Veterinarian? Veterinarians diagnose, prevent, and treat a variety of animal illnesses and diseases. They administer tests, observe conditions in animals, perform surgery, and prescribe medication and/or therapy. Examine Diagnose Treat animals Prescribe and administer animal medications Take cell and tissue samples and perform diagnostic tests
About my future career Work in an animal hospital Earn $88,490 a year on average 8-10 hours a day approx. 50-60 hours a week. The day usually starts at 8 and ends at 5.
My job has a 3.8% chance of becoming automated I think this job won't be automated because you are required to personally help others and it also would require some negotiation when talking to the owners which on a personal scale a robot can't do.
Veterinary would be great for me because… I already have these skills for this career: Being interested in biology of animals and plants Working with animals
I am not quite ready for this career, but I will get there! These are skills for the job I still need to learn: This is how I will get those necessary skills: Getting along with cats Figure out the do's and don'ts around cats Being ready and prepared for different situations Expect that things won't always be the same, try new things
This is what appeals to me with this career… Working with animals because I love animals and the idea being able to help them appeals to me I like the money because it could keep me financially stable Also meeting other people and getting to know everyone at the animal hospital appeals to me.
These are some things I find less appealing about this career… Putting down an animal because I would be killing them even if it is the best for them. If a stray dog is brought in because they usually are in the worst shape and the saddest sight to see.
Potential obstacles to getting this career The possible obstacles: My plan to overcome them: The amount of school and work Try to stay focus and reward myself when I get a good mark Not getting into the school I want to be in Apply to multiple different schools instead of just one school Struggling with courses Stay on top of homework and study everyday for a little bit Balance between school, work, and soccer Try to keep a rough schedule of everyday
Potential obstacles to being successful within this career The possible obstacles: My plan to overcome them: Making a bad decision that could affect your future career Try and follow training and procedures Being arrogant and not following your superior's instructions Try and be modest and always listen to your superior
The training/education required for my career is: 2 years of pre-veterinary studies 4 years of Veterinary school 80 hours of animal experience
I intend to go to University of Saskatchewan for that career Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Pre-Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Professional Degree 2 years and 4 years Undergraduate and Degree of Veterinary Medicine
Here's where I can get that: 6 credits of Biology 6 credits of Chemistry 6 credits of English 6 credits of Mathematics or Statistics 3 credits of Physics 3 credits of Organic Chemistry 3 credits of Biochemistry 3 credits of Genetics 3 credits of Introductory Microbiology 21 credits of elective courses
Financial Plan I am going to pay for my program: Work for the summer at MSE Precast. Apply to different stores looking to hire. Find a part-time job by the end of summer 2017 Soccer Scholarship Try to find a finical plan to help save up Parents pay for the classes I pass
High school courses required Grade 11 courses: Grade 12 courses: Grade 11 mathematics Grade 12 level mathematics Grade 11 biology Grade 12 level biology Grade 11 chemistry Grade 12 level chemistry Grade 11 physics Grade 12 level physics
Veterinarian's are awesome!!! I am excited to work with all different types of animals I am also excited to work with animals that aren’t cats and dogs Another thing I am excited about is seeing where it can take me if I don't specialize in just cats, birds, reptiles, and dogs.