Montana McLean, Mike Stokesbury, Mike Dadswell Acadia University


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Presentation transcript:

Montana McLean, Mike Stokesbury, Mike Dadswell Acadia University Movement, habitat use and diet of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) in Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy Montana McLean, Mike Stokesbury, Mike Dadswell Acadia University

Objectives: To attempt to define critical feeding areas, migratory corridors, and environmental preferences of Atlantic sturgeon in the Minas Basin, through gut analysis and fine-scale movement patterns Fig. 1. VR2W passive acoustic receiver placement during Atlantic sturgeon tagging study. 2010 (n= 32)and 2011 (n= 39) receiver locations are shown.

Preliminary Results Year Receivers deployed Tags deployed Tags detected in 2010 Detection % 2010 Tags detected in 2011(so far) Detection % 2011 2010 32 30 28 93 % 23 76% 2011 39 53 ------------ 42 79% Knowledge gaps exist in oceanic biology of Atlantic sturgeon, including information about summer aggregation grounds in Canadian waters such as Minas Basin Population is a mixed aggregation of individuals from river systems along Eastern seaboard of North America It is important to understand all life history stages and critical habitats Tagging data shows a high return rate to Minas Basin each summer by individuals; including returns from sturgeon tagged in St John River, New Brunswick by Matt Litvak et al. Atlantic sturgeon are presumably using Minas Basin as critical summer feeding ground Environmental preference data is currently being analyzed

Networking and Integration We have greatly expanded our scientific reach while not deviating from our priorities. International: Presentations at the NOAA sturgeon workshop in Alexandria Virginia, USA (Stokesbury et al. and Wirgin et al.) providing information central to the US decision as to whether they should list Atlantic sturgeon and endangered. Nationally: Kim Robichaud (DFO) solicited input from our research group as a basis for a DFO stock status report for Atlantic sturgeon in the Maritime Provinces. OTNC sturgeon project has had impacts at the regulatory level (i.e. Tidal Power impacts) HQP transfer has occurred between the OTNC sturgeon project and OTN Pacific (see above, Beardall’s tenure with Cooke’s lab) and between OTN Atlantic oceanography projects. OTN Canada sturgeon project has positively impacted other projects as we have gained tracking information on Spiny Dogfish (Campana, DFO), striped bass and American eels (Broome and Redden, Acadia) The Saint John array has also served other researchers tracking fish on the on the Saint John River (i.e., Rod Bradford (DFO) and Allen Curry (UNB). We have formed new collaborations with UPEI Veterinary school (Dr. Fast, parasites), New York University (Dr. Wirgin, Microsatellites DNA) and the USGS (Dr. King, mitochondrial DNA).

Movement patterns of Atlantic sturgeon from the Saint John River Andrew Taylor and Matthew Litvak Department of Biology Mount Allison University

Wildlife Computers PSAT Objectives Large and fine scale movement patterns Ultrasonic telemetry Define habitat use Depth Substrate Timing of exit Coastal movement Including characterization of potential spawning sites and holding areas Depth, temperature, O2 concentration, salinity and substrate preferences MUST INDICATE THAT IT IS FROM THE SJR VEMCO V16 Coded Tag Wildlife Computers PSAT

Results Atlantic sturgeon utilized lower river reaches No daily patterns observed Habitat selection to a mean depth of 5-7 meters and sandy substrates Exit from river primarily from late July to late September Coastal migration to the Minas Basin in summer months Industrialization: eg. Building of hotels along edge of river… sediment into water changes the substrate composition Exit from river: movement speeds and tidal influence observed: can be better verified using our VPS data

Results continued and more to be processed VPS data analysis Fine scale movement patterns 7 Wildlife Computers PSAT’s Coastal movement Determining potential spawning site Ultrasonic tracking data We caught 4 Atlantic sturgeon larvae These are the first to ever be caught on the Saint John River. D-frame larval net Add picture of AS w/ Atlantic sturgeon larvae

Collaborations generated through OTN Stokesbury and Dadswell’s labs are providing blood samples and results from their gut analysis so that we can develop a stable isotope approach to define diets from blood samples of Atlantic sturgeon (Litvak NSERC Strategic) This will help better describe their coastal movements and diet selection.

Collaborations generated through OTN Litvak’s lab is helping Taggart and his graduate student Broell to investigate the relationship between size-at-time and acceleration. Will determine if acceleration within species is a function of size-at-age. This will allow us to examine growth rates in the wild. Taylor (Litvak’s graduate student) and Franziska Broell (Taggart’s graduate student).

Collaborations outside OTN NSERC strategic work on using Stable Isotopes signatures to define: Movements of Atlantic sturgeon (Michael Power, Waterloo) Diets of First Nation peoples 3000 years BP (Sue Blair, UNBF and the Metepenagiag First Nation) Started to develop connections with Eel ground First Nation to examine movement of Atlantic’s in and near the Miramichi River Fort Folly First Nations to help with the movement and potential of re-colonization of Atlantic sturgeon in the Petitcodiac River. Metepenagiag First Nation