Tools for Understanding Art
Why Look at Art? humanities/art-history- basics/beginners-art- history/v/why-look-at-art
How Art Can Help You Analyze Can art save lives? Not exactly, but our most prized professionals (doctors, nurses, police officers) can learn real world skills through art analysis. Studying art like René Magritte's “Time Transfixed” can enhance communication and analytical skills, with an emphasis on both the seen and unseen. es/ap-art-history/introduction-ap- arthistory/v/how-art-can-help-you- analyze-amy-e-herman
The Skill of Describing MoMA Audio: Visual Descriptions offers extended visual descriptions of works in the Museum's collection for visitors with visual impairments and those seeking an in-depth looking experience. episodes/55-visual-descriptions- paul-c%C3%A9zanne-the-bather-c- 1885-english-25219206.html Paul Cézanne “The Bather” c. 1885
Paul Cézanne, “The Bather” c. 1885
Introduction to Art Historical Analysis Formal Properties – qualities we experience through our senses (shape, line, texture, value, color, space, scale) Subject Matter – overt story? Historical Context humanities/becoming- modern/romanticism/romanticis m-in-spain/v/goya-third-may
Looking at Paintings Elements of art: color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value https://www.khanacademy.or g/partner-content/getty- museum/getty- paintings/v/looking-at- paintings
The Takeaway Always ask “WHY?” Why did an artist do “this” and not “that”? There’s a reason!