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Literacy Framework PISA literacy framework.doc
閱讀的定義 Linguistic v.s. socio-cultural Learn to read v.s. Read to learn Reading and critical thinking
閱讀的歷程與教學流程 Bottom-up vs. Top-down Interactive v.s. Transactional Part-to-whole vs Whole-to-part Phonics Approach vs Whole Language Approach
International Assessments PIRLS (every 5 years) : Progress in International Reading Literacy Study PISA (every 3 years): the Program for International Student Assessment
How is reading defined in PIRLS Reading literacy is directly related to the reasons why people read. Broadly, these reasons include reading for personal interest and pleasure, reading to participate in society, and reading to learn. For young readers, emphasis is placed on reading for interest or pleasure and reading to learn. The PIRLS assessment of reading literacy will focus on the two purposes that account for most of the reading done by young students both in and out of school: (1) reading for literary experience, (2) reading to acquire and use information.
Process of reading comprehension (PIRLS) Readers construct meaning in different ways. They focus on and retrieve specific ideas, make inferences, interpret and integrate information and ideas, and examine and evaluate text features. The knowledge and experiences that readers bring to reading equip them with an understanding of language, texts, and the world through which they filter their comprehension of the material.
Key features of PISA (adopted from PISA 2009 Assessment Framework) • Innovative literacy concept, which is concerned with the capacity of students to apply knowledge and skills in key subject areas and to analyse, reason and communicate effectively as they pose, solve and interpret problems in a variety of situations. • Relevance to lifelong learning, which does not limit PISA to assessing students’ curricular and cross-curricular competencies, but also asks them to report on their own motivation to learn, their beliefs about themselves and their learning strategies.
Reading literacy is defined in terms of students’ ability to understand, use and reflect on written text to achieve their purposes. This aspect of literacy has been well established by previous surveys such as the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS), but is taken further in PISA by the introduction of an active element – the capacity not just to understand a text but to reflect on it, drawing on one’s own thoughts and experiences. In PISA, reading literacy is assessed in relation to the: Text format Reading process Situations s. Definition of reading Literacy (adopted from PISA 2009 Assessment Framework) Reading literacy is defined in terms of students’ ability to understand, use and reflect on written text to achieve their purposes. This aspect of literacy has been well established by previous surveys such as the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS), but is taken further in PISA by the introduction of an active element – the capacity not just to understand a text but to reflect on it, drawing on one’s own thoughts and experiences. In PISA, reading literacy is assessed in relation to text format, reading process, and situations.
Definition of Reading Literacy: 2000 vs 2009 The PISA 2000 definition of reading literacy is as follows: Reading literacy is understanding, using and reflecting on written texts, in order to achieve one’s goals, to develop one’s knowledge and potential, and to participate in society. The PISA 2009 definition of reading adds engagement in reading as an integral part of reading literacy: Reading literacy is understanding, using, reflecting on and engaging with written texts, in order to achieve one’s goals, to develop one’s knowledge and potential, and to participate in society.
Reading processes • Reading processes (aspects): Students are not assessed on the most basic reading skills, as it is assumed that most 15-year-old students will have acquired these. Rather, they are expected to demonstrate their proficiency in accessing and retrieving information, forming a broad general understanding of the text, interpreting it, reflecting on its contents and reflecting on its form and features.
Sample articles and questions PIRLS: Mice_E Sample articles and questions PIRLS: Mice_E.pdf 國中試測卷定稿加評分標準(by Senior High school teachers).doc PIRLS2011_Framework-AppendixB (兩篇範例).pdf PISA: A Just Judge.doc PISA sample text and Q's (Graffiti).doc
Conclusion It’s all about about reading to learn and thinking while reading. Are we ready to teach reading as a thinking skill? How can we incorporate thinking into EFL reading?