“Eyes On Dot” On Clean India Department of MCA Sona College of Technology
Table of content Abstract Objectives Project Description Platform Outcome Expected Future Work Conclusion Questions
Abstract When people want to convey their grievance to Government or to any political leader it is a complex process. People are merely ignorant of the process of conveying their grievances as through Statistical Analysis ,when we ask them that why they don’t complain, we got these answers- “Where should we complain?” “How should we complain?” “Who is the responsible person I don’t know.” “whether they will reply or not”
Continue.. People don’t have any easiest way to convey their message . Not only people it is still more difficult for the Government also to be aware of what are the problems going on the society or it become too late to catch those problems because of less information about those issues. So we come up with an easiest solution which will help people to explore their grievance to Government and it will help the Government to get ideas what and where are the actual improvement needs for the general people and how to solve those needs. It’s nothing but a simple mobile Application that we named as “Eyes on Dot”
Objectives Our main object is to dig the problems from the society and explore it to the front of everyone. To be in precise our prime objectives are ;- To give a support to poor people who don’t have the knowledge to express their grievance. To provide the backward community with a platform to express their needs to the Government. To provide an interface to a layman persons to share their grievance(For them we are providing the App interface in Tamil Language as well). To reduce the time complexity of identifying the genuine person to whom the grievances are to be addressed. To overcome the burden of mundane paper work that is happening in real government offices to lodge a complaint as our system is eco-friendly and it involves zero paper work.
Continue.. To help the people to overcome their fear and post their problems regardless of their identity to anyone. To serve as an anti-corruption tool as our App is got to work on issues that relate to corruption. To service the people in the most efficient way where his/her problems are rooted to the appropriate person without negligence. To render an effective Grievance Posting System (GPS) to all people immaterial of distance, remote and rural areas. To give a platform for all creative people, humanitarian people and NGOs a stage to demonstrate their ideas and solutions for any of the addressed grievances.
Project Description Eyes On Dot is an Android application where user can post their major or minor. If users want to share their problems to all people they can share it, his/her grievance can be seen by general people as well as Government officers. The users can post comments and grow the awareness about the grievance by liking the problem on our Home window, not only this users can keep track and can get problem Status. Our project has very simple steps involved.
Language selection We tried to make our project simple for the people who don’t know English. So people will get two flavor in our App Tamil English
Home window In our home window people and Government can what are the grievance general people have. Here people can post comments, give like or they can solve the problems by discussing among other people.
App menu This is our App’s menu. Which has Account information Home window link Grievance window link Information about Us Setting Registration page Log in page Log out button
Registration page Here is our registration page
Log in page This is our log in page
Post problem page This is our post problem window where user can post their problem with supporting documents. After posting problem they will get reference number.
Track problems Here user can track their problem status by using their reference number.
Solve problem window If any problem solved in some particular area solved problems will be displayed here.
Platform Eyes on Dot (EOD) is a mobile based application developed using Android. EOD project work flow is demonstrated using the following steps
EOD work flow
Outcome Expected Our app is easy to use and it is free app so anyone having android mobile can install our app. Space needed to store complaint papers will get reduced. Our project can reduce corruption from the country. People from neglected corner of the country will get benefitted by using our App. It will aware the people about various problems that are going on the society. People can freely interact with government directly without any middle man Illiterate people can access our App in Tamil Nadu by using their mother tongue. Our App is small but it will help a big society , if it does this it will be the ultimate outcome and success of our Project- “Eyes on Dot”.
Future Work If our Eyes on Dot project get success will develop it for IOS and Windows mobile also. We also want to make this app as Online One To One interaction between people and govt. officers We hope our App will success in Tamil Nadu. In future we are going to make it for Whole Country by implementing the App in different languages.
Conclusion : An Idea should be something that can shape the future of the mankind, no matter the idea is Elephant size or Ant size. Our App is small but it will help a big society, if it does this it will be the ultimate outcome and success of our Project- “Eyes on Dot”.