Warm Up: Set Up RWN Everyone should have a composition notebook today. Monday Warm Up: Set Up RWN Everyone should have a composition notebook today. Tape the colored tab on the first page. Write today’s date on your journal entry then list all the things you see in the image to the left.
DLT: Wildcats will analyze and synthesize visual images and text. Monday Monday, 16 September, 2017 DLT: Wildcats will analyze and synthesize visual images and text.
FYI: Anthem by Friday Think about your dystopian novel Monday FYI: Anthem by Friday Think about your dystopian novel Open house tonight
Image 1 Monday 1. Students write what they see---2 to 3 minutes. 2. Share as teacher categorizes (students copy in journal) on t-chart. L2 on left; L1 on right (unlabeled). 3. Students brainstorm what types of words they see in each column (categorizing). 4. Label the columns as Abstract/Concrete, Tangible/Intangible. Add icons (brain/eye-hand). All steps are teacher guided. 5. Circle the L2 word that is best represented by the image. 6. Draw lines from the L2 word to the L1 words that support it. 7. Write a sentence or two explaining how the L2 word is illustrated by the L1 details. Example: This picture represents danger. The danger is illustrated by the fact that the man is walking across a tightrope suspended high above the city with no safety net in sight.
Monday Image 2
Image 3 Monday
The Road Not Taken 1. Tape poem into RWN. 2. I do: Model stanza 1 Monday The Road Not Taken 1. Tape poem into RWN. 2. I do: Model stanza 1 We do: Work together to analyze stanzas 2 & 3 You do: Work independently or with a partner to analyze stanza 4. L1 What is says Main Idea L2 What is means Theme/Thematic Statement
Closure: Exit Journal Agree or disagree? Explain!! Monday You can use this if time allows!
Tuesday Warm Up
Tuesday Tuesday, 19 September, 2017 DLT: Wildcats will analyze and synthesize abstract and concrete details in poetry.
GRAB A GLUE STICK AND GLUE YOUR POEM TO YOUR JOURNAL 19 September 2017 Pick up your RWN and turn to the first clean page; otherwise, get out a sheet of paper. Always, always, ALWAYS put the date on your journal entries!!! GRAB A GLUE STICK AND GLUE YOUR POEM TO YOUR JOURNAL Write: What do you remember about the poem we read yesterday? What are the steps involved in annotation? Pair: Turn to a partner and discuss some choices you may face in high school. Share: Be prepared to share your answer with the class.
Tuesday FYI: Text goes here
DID YOU KNOW…… Note: You must re-apply every year. Those who qualify for FREE/REDUCED meals also qualify for: Waiver for SAT and ACT. Free PSAT as a junior. Reduced cost of AP tests Cy-Hope assistance for certification tests Waivers for ACT and SAT can get students a limited number of waived college application fees. Forms available in AP’s office, at front desk, or from your English teacher today! Note: You must re-apply every year.
Share Responses and Ideas! Tuesday Look at the image below. Write one or two sentences identifying the abstract idea represented and provide concrete evidence from the picture to support your claim. Warm Up Share Responses and Ideas!
“The Road Not Taken” Video
Relevant Application: Identity Tuesday Relevant Application: Identity A relevant application is sometimes an opportunity for you to practice a skill or process in collaboration with other students. Working together allows you to talk about your learning, defend your ideas, and gain a deeper understanding about the skills you’re building as a reader or writer. Today you’ll complete the Identity RA by following the directions given by your teacher!
Closure: Independent Journal Tuesday Closure: Independent Journal What choice, either stated or implied, has the speaker of Identity made? Find text evidence to prove your claim. Write on the back of your poem then turn your work in to your teacher. Remember: Do this part on your own!!!
Warm up Main Idea: Theme: L2 L1 Literal idea of what the text is about L1 (Concrete) Words EX: A father clown fish must overcome obstacles to find his son who is lost in the ocean. Central idea that is repeated throughout the text L2 (Abstract) words EX: love, trust, perseverance What the text means What the text says
Wednesday Warm Up: Choices Be sure you picked up a copy of the theme word list and tape it in your RWN What is the difference between L1 and L2? WHAT IF? WHAT NOW? WHAT NEXT?
Wednesday Wednesday, 20 September 2017 DLT: Wildcats will identify the theme of a text then write a thematic statement.
Wednesday FYI: Be sure you picked up a copy of the theme word list and tape it in your RWN.
When we choose… WHAT IF? WHAT NEXT? WHAT NOW? Wednesday Have students talk about the role each of these questions plays in the decision making process. Use the journal entry from Warm Ups to begin the discussion.
Notes: Theme: Thematic Statement A theme is an idea or concept that is repeated throughout the text that helps the reader understand the message of the story Constant/recurring from beginning to end One word, or a few words EX: Faith, Loss of innocence, Facing reality, Motherhood, Perseverance A thematic statement is a universal statement that is presented in or suggested by the text. Your theme or L2 word helps in writing this statement One complete sentence Does not mention “you” or any character names EX: Overcoming fears is necessary in order to accomplish goals.
Watch this video and see what THEME is repeated throughout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyB_U9vn6Wk
Jubilee video L1 - Concrete L2 - Abstract
Start your thematic statement with your theme word… Jubilee video Theme Thematic Statement Destroys Stems from Causes Prevents Strengthens Results in Start your thematic statement with your theme word…
Theme Thematic Statement Wednesday Theme Thematic Statement What L2 ideas were suggested? What L1 details support the L2 ideas? Write a main idea statement summarizing in ONE SENTENCE what happened (L1) in the video. What are some themes that were evident in the video (use your list)? Create a thematic statement based on the theme you believe was most important.
Theme Thematic Statement Wednesday Theme Thematic Statement Work with one or two other students to generate a list of themes that are evident in the poem Identity Choose the theme you believe is most important or valuable. Write a thematic statement for the poem based on the theme you selected. Share!
Wednesday Exit Ticket: Identity Write at least 3 themes that are evident in or suggested by the poem Identity.
Warm Up: Set up for Timed Writing Thursday Make certain you have your RWN, a clean sheet of notebook paper, and a pen or pencil. Secure all personal belongings (purses, backpacks, etc.) per the teacher’s directions. Phones should be turned off and ready to stow in the testing pockets. Tape/staple/glue the “Analytical Paragraph” hand out to your notebook Keep the “Timed Write” paper out
DLT: Wildcats will write an analytic paragraph. Wednesday Thursday, 21 September 2017 DLT: Wildcats will write an analytic paragraph.
Thursday FYI: Anthem novel Choose your dystopian novel
Analytical Paragraph P Point – state your point in one clear concise sentence – controlling idea E Evidence – give your evidence that supports your point E Explain -- how the evidence proves that your point is valid – Should use L2 words from your controlling ideas in your explanation L Link – final sentence should connect back to the controlling idea and cleanly close the paragraph
Timed Writing: Analytic Paragraph Thursday Timed Writing: Analytic Paragraph Road: Choices have to be made even though one may not foresee the outcome. Uncertainty can lead to indecisiveness, yet one still must make choices. The path one takes in life will include many twists and turns, the outcomes of which may not be immediately known. Identity: Being true to oneself is more important than conforming to the expectations of others. Struggle and hardship are small prices to pay for freedom. Though it can be tempting to follow the crowd, individuality makes one free to live a richer life.
Friday Warm Up: Journal Write today’s date in your journal then answer the following question: Explain what should be included in an analytical paragraph. Where should your focus be? What is the most important?
DLT: Wildcats will build background by reading about Ayn Rand. Friday Friday, September 8, 2017 DLT: Wildcats will build background by reading about Ayn Rand.
Annotating With Purpose: Friday Annotating With Purpose: DO: DON’T: Have a purpose for reading Skip annotations Know the genre of the text Highlight or underline EVERY SINGLE WORD!!! Use annotations to make sense of the text Try to make your annotations exactly like another reader’s Develop a style that aids your understanding Get too cute or creative---keep it simple Plan how you will annotate BEFORE you begin reading Be rigid---if something isn’t working, tweak it
Build Background Read and annotate the article about Ayn Rand. Friday Build Background Read and annotate the article about Ayn Rand. Write the main idea of the article at the bottom of the page. Turn in your article (or finish for homework) for a daily grade. You may receive full credit if you have it at the beginning of class Monday; otherwise, the assignment will be considered late.
Friday FYI: https://animoto.com/play/mSGHQwhkvKw1waJIa8dPgQ
Friday Closure Write down the most interesting or unusual detail you learned about Ayn Rand and post your sticky note on the parking lot before you leave the room. Be sure your name is on the back of your sticky note.