Introduction Results and discussion Effect of Addition of Clays in Pore Formation During Fabrication of Porous Ceramic Supports Arkaprava Mandal1,, Sunava Paul 1, Subhas Das1 , Swachchha Majumdar*1, Ganesh Shahoo1, Awadesh Mallik1 1Ceramic Membrane Division, CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata 700032, India Introduction Results and discussion Objective: Primary objective of this work is to develop a standard fabrication technology for micro porous ceramic support preparation. This project involves development of standardized, versatile and adjustable manufacturing process for production of porous ceramic membranes of different size and geometry using varying compositions. Different types of clays were used for the purpose. Previously work has been done indigenously but some lacks were there. A fabrication protocol was developed successfully. Initially we started with pellet preparation and shifted to the extrusion process later on. b a b FE SEM image of sintered alumina-clay pellet sample with (a) C1(with clay 1) and (b) C2 (with clay 2) Porosity data from mercury intrusion (Tab. 2) FE SEM Image of fracture surface of (a) International manufacturer (b) indigenously extruded support Clay Name Apparent Porosity (%) Total Porosity Clay 1 34 39 Clay 2 23 29 Materials and Method Schematic representation of pellet preparation Mixing of alumina and clay in a pot mill Sintering of pellet Dried in Hot air oven Pelletized at high pressure Mixed with Binder Uniaxial press Pellet Schematic representation of tube preparation by extrusion Weighing of Materials at proportion Extrude Tubes of OD 10 mm and ID 7 mm Sintering of the Tubes Mixing in Sigma Mixture Stored in Humid Condition Porosity distribution of C1 sample Porosity distribution of C2 sample Conclusion A protocol was developed for the fabrication process. Sample C1 with clay 1 resulted higher porosity i.e higher flux is expected from this product. Sample C1 succefully extruded and sintered. Samples were sent for further characterisation. Tubes Single Screw Extruder Sample ID & Composition (Tab. 1) Acknowledgement Sample ID Clay Alumina C1 Clay 1 97% C2 Clay 2 The authors like to thank Director, CSIR-CGCRI, for kind permission to work in this project. The financial support from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India vide Grant No. DST /TSG/NTS/2015/89- C dated 31/05/2015 is gratefully acknowledged.