Top 5 industries reporting worker injuries from workplace violence “Eggs with OSHA” October 27, 2017 7:30 am Double Tree by Hilton 4509 Island Avenue James Touey, Labor Liaison Top 5 industries reporting worker injuries from workplace violence 11,140 Healthcare & Social Assistance 1,420 Retail 960 Food Services & Accommodation 910 Transportation & Warehousing/Waste Management 810 Education
Disclaimer Statement This presentation is not a standard or regulation, and it creates no new legal obligations. It contains recommendations as well as descriptions of mandatory safety and health standards. The recommendations are advisory in nature, informational in content, and are intended to assist employers in providing a safe and healthful workplace. The Occupational Safety and Health Act requires employers to comply with safety and health standards and regulations promulgated by OSHA or by a state with an OSHA-approved state plan. In addition, the Act’s General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1), requires employers to provide their employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm.
OSHA Update: Electronic Reporting Open floor Q&As
Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses Electronic Reporting Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses
Injury Tracking Application (ITA) The ITA was successfully launched August 1, 2017 Employers can access the application from the ITA landing page at httpsw://
Electronic Reporting OSHA is accepting electronic submissions at this time, submission deadline for 2016 Form 300A data to December 1, 2017 the electronic reporting system became available August 1. OSHA also intends to issue a separate proposal to reconsider, revise, or remove other provisions of the prior final rule
Injury Tracking Application (ITA) ITA is a secure website with 3 options for data submission: Manually enter data into a webform Upload CSV file to process single of multiple establishments at the same time Users of automated recordkeeping systems can transmit data electronically via an Application Programming Interface (API)
Electronic Submission Compliance Date The May 12, 2016, final rule (81 FR 29624) required employers to electronically submit 2016 Form 300A data to OSHA by July 1, 2017. On June 28, 2017, we published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to delay the initial deadline for electronic submission of 2016 Form 300A data from July 1, 2017, to December 1, 2017.
Injury Tracking Application (ITA) The First Day Total Accounts: 1204 Number of establishments: 1854 Number of 300A Forms: 1594 Number of csv files: 35
Injury Tracking Application (ITA) Help request form The application has a Help Request Form link at the bottom of each page Employers with questions concerning any technical or policy aspects of the data collection are encouraged to use the Help Request Form. That way we can coordinate our responses and quickly learn of any problems the regulated community may be experiencing with the system. There is a sandbox test site where you can create a dummy account and enter dummy data at (Submission on the test site does not equal real submission.)
Electronic Submission Compliance Date In the June 28, 2017 NPRM, OSHA announced its intent to issue a separate proposal to reconsider, revise, or remove other provisions of the prior final rule and to seek comment on those provisions in that separate proposal. We are currently writing that separate proposal.
State Plans Some State Plans do not have a comparable rule in place at this time CA; IL (GOV ONLY); ME (GOV ONLY); MD; MN; NJ (GOV ONLY); NY (GOV ONLY); SC; UT; WA; and WY “Based on the information you have provided, your establishment falls under an OSHA-approved State Plan that has not yet adopted the requirement to submit injury and illness reports electronically. Your State Plan has indicated that once the rule is adopted, employers within the State Plan will be required to submit injury and illness reports through OSHA’s ITA. Contact information for each of the State Plans can be found at”
Outreach Materials Materials available from the ITA landing page at include: Link to Injury Tracking Application Synopsis of the requirements FAQs Job Aids (instructions for creating accounts, creating passwords, editing data, etc.) Instructions for submitting data by csv file or API
OSHA Update: National, Regional and OSHA Area Office Update Silica update Electronic Reporting Open floor Q&As
National Office Enforcement Activity Enforcement Activity End of Fiscal Year 2017 (October 1, 2016- September 30, 2017): National: 41,262 Inspections Conducted OSHA “In Compliance Inspections” National: 26.3% Violations per “Not in Compliance Inspections”: National: 2.33 Penalty issued per Serious Citations: National: $5,099
OSHA’s Top Cited Violations FY 2017 OSHA’s Top Ten Most Frequently Cited Standards (FY 2017) 1. Fall Protection, 1926.501, 6,072 violations 2. Hazard Communication, 1910.1200, 4,176 violations 3. Scaffolding, 1926.451, 3,288 violations 4. Respiratory Protection, 1910.134, 3,097 violations 5. Lockout/Tagout, 1910.147, 2,877 violations
OSHA’s Top 10 Cited Violations FY 2017 6. Ladders, 1926.1053, 2,241 violations 7. Powered Industrial Trucks, 1910.178, 2,162 violations 8. Machine Guarding, 1910.212, 1,933 violations 9. Fall Protection -- Training Requirements, 1926.503, 1,523 violations 10. Electrical Wiring Methods, 1910.305, 1,405 violations
Region III Enforcement Activity Region III (PA, DE, WV, and District of Columbia): 2,997 Inspections Conducted OSHA “In Compliance Inspections” Region III: 26.3% Violations per “Not in Compliance Inspections”: Region III: 2.27 Penalty issued per Serious Citations: Region III: $4,689
Philadelphia Area Office Enforcement Activity Philadelphia Area Office: 253 Inspections Conducted -168 Construction Inspections (66%). OSHA “In Compliance Inspections” PHAO: 9.5% Violations per “Not in Compliance Inspections”: PHAO: 2.61 Penalty issued per Serious Citations: PHAO: $4,976
Fatalities Regional Fatalities: For Fiscal Year 2017 there have been 69 fatalities inspections in Region III Philadelphia Area Office: There have been 10 fatalities inspections conducted in Philadelphia’s jurisdiction.
10-Philadelphia Area Fatalities-FY 2017 1. Manufacturing- PIT caught between 2. Warehousing- PIT caught between 3. Concrete worker-Fall into stairway pit 4. Ironworker-Fall same level-impalement 5. HVAC Service- Electrocution 6. Shipping- Crushed by car 7. Long Shoring- Crushed by C-Box 8. High Voltage Line work- Electrocution 9. Painting- Residential- Fall from Ladder 10. Const. Site Prep- Stuck by Bull Dozer
What can/are we doing about this? Focus Four Campaign - 3 Annual to be launched in February 2018 - 4 month campaign with each month dedicated to a Focus Four hazard (Falls, Electrocution, Caught Between and Stuck-by Partners MACSC GBCA Philadelphia Building Trades
Silica in Construction–Compliance Dates Construction Standard, 29 CFR 1926.1153. As of October 23, 2017, OSHA is fully enforcing all appropriate provisions of the Silica in Construction standard. Compliance with methods of sample analysis required by June 23, 2018. As a reminder, the requirements for General Industry/Maritime are set to commence on June 23, 2018. Employers have until June 23, 2017 to comply with most provision of the construction standard. Controls for most construction tools are readily available and can be quickly adopted. Most construction employers are expected to use Table 1 and will not need to measure worker exposures to respirable crystalline silica. Employers who measure employee exposures have until June 23, 2018, to use laboratories that follow the procedures for sample analysis in Appendix A of the standard.
Interim Enforcement Guidance Memo On October 18, 2017 OSHA Issued an “Interim Enforcement Guidance Memo for the Respirable Crystalline Silica” 10/19 memorandum The memorandum provides inspection and citation guidance, and it includes flow charts to assist compliance officers with evaluating employers’ control methods.
Guidance and Outreach Silica Rulemaking Webpage: Fact sheets FAQs Video Updates by e-mail Appendix B – Medical Surveillance Guidelines Guidance and outreach materials are available on OSHA’s silica rule webpage. An appendix to the standard provides guidance for physicians and other health care professional who provide medical examination for workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica under the standard. OSHA also expects to publish a small entity compliance guide for construction around the middle of this year.