Agenda 9/22 Objective: we will describe the basic beliefs of Hinduism & Buddhism Notes on Hinduism & Buddhism Closing Activity: I will create a Mandala describing the beliefs of Hinduism & Buddhism.
Hinduism No Founder – develops over time – begins with Aryan beliefs Holy Books – Vedas & Upanishads
5 Basic Beliefs of Hinduism Brahman – supreme power in universe – universal soul Multiple Gods (thousands) Brahma the creator Vishnu the preserver Shiva the destroyer Dharma –Duties – each caste (Social Class) has different dharma
Brahmins - Priests Purpose is to help people of other castes fulfill their dharma (duty)
Responsible for leadership of the people Kshatriyas - Warriors and Rulers Responsible for leadership of the people Often rely on advice from Brahmins
Shopkeepers who sell products Vaisyas – Skilled Workers, Merchants Shopkeepers who sell products Farmers
Sudras – Unskilled Workers Jobs include gardeners, brick makers and clothes washers
Untouchables - The Outcastes Expected to do the “dirty” jobs Come in contact with animal skins, dead bodies and human feces Avoid contact with “caste” Indians for fear of “pollution”
5 Basic Beliefs of Hinduism Karma – good and bad deeds – determines what happens in your next life Reincarnation (Samsara) – cycle of life and death Life Dharma Karma Death Birth Ultimate Goal: Moksha – becoming one with the universal soul or Brahman
Buddhism Founder: Siddhartha Gautama Place: India (Modern Day Nepal) Hindu Prince (Kshatryia) The prophecy -- would he be a world ruler or spiritual leader? Buddhist legend: when Siddhartha was born he exhibited marks of greatness prophecy: if he stayed home he was destined to be a ruler if he left home he would be a spiritual leader
Search for Enlightenment Enlightenment – Wisdom Siddhartha’s Quest – Fasting Meditation Religious Discussions What does it mean? Everyone suffers Only a religious life can release you from suffering
Four Noble Truths – Teachings of the Buddha #1 Everything in life is suffering & sorrow #2 The cause of all suffering is people’s selfish desire for temporary pleasures of this world #3 The way to end suffering is to end all desires #4 The way to overcome desires and to attain enlightenment is to follow the Eightfold Path, or Middle Way
Eightfold Path to Nirvana (release from suffering) Rules to Live By Right views Right resolve Right speech Right conduct Right livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration Nirvana – release from suffering
Beliefs of Buddhism No Holy Book/No God Follow the Teachings of the Buddha -Four Noble Truths Follow the Eightfold Path to reach Nirvana – release from suffering Rejected the Caste System – social class system of India
Spread of Buddhism Missionaries spread Buddhism from India to China and other parts of Asia. Few followers in India today.
Indian Mandala Mandala – circular diagram used in Hinduism & Buddhism to increase spiritual awareness. Create Your Own Mandala. Choose either Hinduism or Buddhism Draw a circle and slit it into pie wedges representing the different beliefs of your chosen religion Decorate each pie wedge with a colorful symbol representing a specific belief of your chosen religion