On a new page, miss the top two lines and… Give as many examples of near death experiences as you can. (real or fiction)
2.2 Non-Religious Belief in Life After Death Why might non religious people believe in life after death? Describe a near death experience What do you think and why?
Non-Religious Belief in Life After Death Read page 32 Complete activity 1 Complete activity 2 Complete activity 3
Reasons for Non-Religious belief in life after death Spirits and Ghosts 1 (4:28 onwards) 2 3 4 Near Death Experiences 1 3a Evidence of Reincarnation
PAST LIFE REGRESSION HYPNOSIS The practice of reaching past lives through hypnosis is controversial, primarily because hypnosis is not a reliable tool. Hypnosis can certainly help reach the unconscious mind, but the information found there is not reliable as truth. It has been shown that the practice can create false memories. That doesn't mean, however, that regression hypnosis should be dismissed out of hand. If the past life information can be verified through research, the case for reincarnation can be considered more seriously. The most famous case of past life regression through hypnosis is that of Ruth Simmons. In 1952, her therapist, Morey Bernstein, took her back past the point of her birth. Suddenly, Ruth began to speak with an Irish accent and claimed that her name was Bridey Murphy, who lived in 19th century Belfast, Ireland. Ruth recalled many details of her life as Bridey, but, unfortunately, attempts to find out if Ms. Murphy really existed were unsuccessful. There was, however, some indirect evidence for the truth of her story: under hypnosis, Bridey mentioned the names of two grocers in Belfast from whom she bought food, Mr. Farr and John Carrigan. A Belfast librarian found a city directory for 1865-1866 that listed both men as grocers. Her story was told both in a book by Bernstein and in a 1956 movie, The Search for Bridey Murphy.
Non-Religious Belief in Life After Death Explain why some non-religious believers may believe in the afterlife (8 marks) “Life after death is impossible” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer Why would some disagree with you? Could you ever convince someone else of a near death experience you had had.