The Sin of Self-Righteousness
What is self-righteousness? Righteousness – acting in a right way. Conducting oneself so that he is right with God. Obedience both in deed and attitude Self-righteousness – one who declares himself righteous based upon your own conduct or standard Luke 18:9, Romans 10:3, Hosea 12:8
What is self-righteousness? Self-righteousness is not: Carefully obeying the law – 1 Timothy 4:6, 2 Timothy 3:10 Being zealous and devoted – Titus 2:14 Addressing sin – 2 Timothy 4:2 Refusing to fellowship sin – 2 John 9- 11, 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1 Believing in absolute truth – Ephesians 3:3-5, 5:17, 2 Tim. 3:16-17 Being concerned about drifting and error – Hebrews 2:1, 3:12-13
What is self-righteousness? Self-righteousness is : An attitude that causes one to think of himself better than others and to judge them according to his own standard. Often, a cynical view that magnifies the faults of others, making rash judgments without all the facts. Thinking you are right based upon keeping the law or your judgments – Philippians 3:9
Examples of self-righteousness? The Pharisees and scribes Mark 3:1-2, They watched Jesus to see if He would heal on the Sabbath Looking for faults to condemn the righteous and make themselves look good
Examples of self-righteousness? The Pharisees and scribes Mark 7:1-2, critical of Jesus’ disciples eating without washing their hands (7:1-13) Binding traditions and condemning those who don’t comply with their way
Examples of self-righteousness? The Pharisees and scribes Luke 7:39, at the house of Simon the Pharisee, when a woman washes His feet Judging motives based on outward appearances (without all the facts, or blinders)
Examples of self-righteousness? The Pharisees and scribes Luke 10:29, a lawyer tests Jesus about the greatest command. Justifies himself by asking, “Who is my neighbor”. Seeking to justify oneself with supposed wisdom (thinking himself superior)
Examples of self-righteousness? The Pharisees and scribes Luke 15:29, the “prodigal brother” who relied solely on his meritorious works One who thinks he has earned his righteousness
Examples of self-righteousness? The Pharisees and scribes Luke 16:15, they sought to justify themselves before men. One who is more concerned about holding on to their own ways and what men think rather than God
Examples of self-righteousness? The Pharisees and scribes Luke 18:9-14, the Pharisee and tax collector go to the temple to pray One who exalts himself because he is better than someone else. (2 Corinthians 10:12)
Examples of self-righteousness? The Pharisees and scribes John 11:47-50, the chief priests and Pharisees determined it best that Jesus die rather than the nation perish One who seeks to destroy one who is truly righteous because he challenges conduct and motives.
Dealing With self-righteousness? Seek to be righteous on God’s terms Matthew 5:6, 20, hungering and thirsting after righteousness Be aware of your unworthiness – Isaiah 64:6, Luke 17:10, 18:13, Matthew 5:3
Dealing With self-righteousness? Humble yourselves before God Matthew 5:4-5 – those who mourn, the meek 1 Peter 5:5-6, James 4:7-10 Humble yourselves before others – Romans 12:3, Philippians 2:3-4 (5-8)
Dealing With self-righteousness? Do not put your confidence in the flesh 1 John 2:15-17, 1 Timothy 6:17, Philippians 3:3-11 – not having my own righteousness (3:9) Look for good in others instead of seeking to find the speck – Matthew 7:1-5, John 7:24.
Dealing With self-righteousness? Look into God’s mirror James 1:22-25 – honestly examine yourself with a humble heart and intend to do what God says, in deed and attitude
Am I letting God exalt me, instead of exalting myself?