New Kingdoms in East Asia (
Korea Korean culture was heavily influenced by China ( Koreans were largely Buddhist Agricultural society based on a tightly knit family Koreans adapted Confucianism from the Chinese ( The peninsula was united by the ruling house of Koryo (Bulliet, 261) (
Korea (Continued) Korea was mountainous and covered by forests Very little land is suitable for agriculture The government was based on a kingship and government offices were given to noble families (Bulliet, 261) Koreans used a lunar calendar instead of a solar calendar ( Korea was male-centered ( (
Japan Japan was very mountainous and covered in forests; even more so than Korea Japan is an island and therefore was isolated from the rest of the world for some time (Bulliet, 261) Japan is first recorded in history in 57 AD in Chinese writings and first begins writing their own histories in approximately 600 C.E (Bulliet, 262) The first civilizations that emerged in Japan were a settlement of Koreans in the third century B.C ( (
Japan (Continued) In about 200 C.E Japan came into contact with China ( The Japanese had a complex system of law and also followed many Confucian teachings Japan was also a largely Buddhist kingdom, possibly even more so than China (Bulliet, 262) Japan was ruled by an emperor The emperor was protected by the Fujiwara royal family, who also served as priests, bureaucrats, and warriors (Bulliet, 263) (
Vietnam Vietnam relied on the Red River in the north and the Mekong in the south Their agriculture was rice based Like China, the hilly terrain and wet climate allowed for irrigation (Bulliet, 263) Vietnam had a hierarchy view that it shared with Korea and Japan (Butlliet, 264) The vietnamese did not have a class system ( (
Vietnam (Continued) The Vietnamese followed some Fujiwara teachings Like other Asian kingdoms, Vietnam was Buddhist. (Bulliet, 263) Women were given a more important role in Vietnam than other Asian kingdoms until Confucius teachings were adapted. This was likely because women also participated in wet-rice cultivation (Bulliet, 264) The Vietnamese followed a unique system of extended family. ( (
Questions Which civilization most strongly influenced the New Kingdoms in Eastern Asia? A. Korea B. Egypt C. Mesopotamia D. China E. Rome Who first settled in Japan? A. Chinese B. Koreans C. Vietnamese D. Nomadic tribes from Asia E. Nomadic tribes from the Mediterranean What was the Japanese royal family that protected the emperor and served as bureaucrats, priests, and warriors. A. Fujiwara B. Confucius C. Kamakura D. Yoshihito E. Yamagata
Bibliography Websites Pictures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pictures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (