KNOWLEDGE DYNAMICS POLICY IMPLICATIONS Today and tomorrow Introduction: Policy within EURODITE Survey: Rise of the learning regions Case-studies: Knowledge transformation policies even more diverse knowledge impacts anchoring as a case in point In conclusion: Regional and European policy challenges Professor Henrik Halkier Aalborg University, Denmark
SURVEY Rise of learning regions 20/21 9/9 16/16 4/5 12/12 7/14 15/15 17/17 4/15 6/13 6/6 7/11 3/19 2/10 10/12 5/7 4/4 8/12 6/11 2/8 6/16 12/20 Web-based survey 181 regions, most extensive to date most important organisation at most important meso-level four most prominent policies 2007 snapshot becoming wider/deeper
SURVEY Rise of learning regions Current regionally-based policies multi-level networked governance pervasive competitiveness discourse pervasive target qualitative change (esp. soft-orgware of firms) policy instruments knowledge explicit/intensive main impact on exploration (esp. synthetic, also symbolic) Conclusions ‘learning region’ of Cooke/Morgan, Florida widespread place/sector specific patterns still important
CASE-STUDIES Diversity increased Relative knowledge impact of policies Survey Case studies
CASE-STUDIES Anchoring in focus Definition “Anchoring refers to knowledge coming from outside a region, which somehow 'sinks in' and is re-circulated within the region.” external interaction receptor node internal recirculation
CASE-STUDIES Anchoring in focus Most important ways public policy affects anchoring creation of knowledge recirculation networks within region setting up of receptor nodes (e.g. cluster organisations) much more common than mobilising e.g. universities) the setting up of external networks in order to mobilise extra-regional knowledge sources Policy options affects anchoring rarely/not used in-migration and recirculation of employees attraction of FDI
CASE-STUDIES Anchoring in focus Key challenges different sectoral patterns coordination of initiatives Resources mobilised through public policy Intra-regional Extra-regional Anchoring capability targeted External networking Internal recirculation New media, biotech Tourism, food, automotives KIBS
CONCLUSION Policy challenges making learning regions outward-looking and creative anchoring, combinatorial knowledge network governance -> strategic challenge internally: projectitis (time), integration of activities externally: coordination between policy networks (EU DGs, other regional policy bodies, science, education, ….) knowledge management in RDAs internal competences, external networking and markets