Download/Upload Planning Schedule


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Presentation transcript:

Download/Upload Planning Schedule Boeing 787 SCMP Training June 2016 Copyright 2016 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Download/Upload Planning Schedule All users can download the Planning Schedule (PS) data to which they have Collab access. The download filter allows users to make selections across multiple partners and sites to which they have access. Only discrete dates with data will be downloaded and uploaded. The system downloads and uploads data in these formats: Microsoft Excel (.xls) format limited to 5,000 rows. Flat file (tab delimited text) format limited to 25,000 rows. Consuming Partners can upload Planning Schedule Quantity data. Providing Partners can upload Planning Schedule Response (PSR) Quantity data. The system rejects uploads if the user does not have permission to edit the data. PS/PSR uploads will fail for the inactive collabs. Upload templates are explained in the Help files.

Download/Upload Planning Schedule As the result of a download, there are Planning Schedule and Planning Schedule Response templates to use for uploading. For uploads, if there are any errors in any of the records in the platform layer, no records will be submitted to the application layer; i.e. uploads are an all or none activity.

Upload/Download Menu per Role Boeing Consuming Partner Providing Partner

Downloading Planning Schedule Data All User Roles

Downloading Planning Schedule Data When you download a Planning Schedule, any date that has no data, will not be included in the download file. For example: If there is demand and/or response data for the 1st and 15th of the month, but no data for any other date, then only 2 rows will appear in the downloaded file. If there is no data for an item, you will get one blank row.

Downloading Planning Schedule Data On the navigation tree, go to Upload /Download  Downloads. Consuming Partners click Download Plan Schedules, while Providing Partners click Download Plan Responses. Click the desired Document Type radio button. Optional, enter a Comment to reference your download. For example, if you execute multiple downloads, entering “Item 123” then “Item 789”, will help you to differentiate your downloads. Click the Next button. 3 1 2 4 5 2

Downloading Planning Schedule Data Enter a date – clicking in a date field will provide a calendar for selecting dates. Warning: If you use a date range less than the entire Planning Schedule horizon, when you upload your changes, Planning Schedule data outside your selected date range will be purged. Click the Next button. 6 7

Downloading Planning Schedule Data Click the checkboxes to select the desired items. If there is only one item, it is automatically selected, so you can skip immediately to the next parameter. Click the Add button. Click the grey arrow icon for the next parameter down. Repeat the steps above until the ‘Filter Builder’ (F) is complete. If your filter is not specific enough, your download will time out and fail after ten minutes. 10 8 F 9

Filter Parameters Page You select from the Filter Parameter options starting from the top and working down. Choices made for each Parameter will affect the Parameter List of options for each item below it. As you work your way down, the choices are displayed in the Filter Builder. Search Box A Parameter Selector Parameter List Add Button Pagination Buttons B Add All Button Filter Display Next Button

Filter Parameters Page Clicking the checkboxes for the line items followed by the Add button, includes those specific items in the ‘Filter Builder’. Clicking the Add All button puts an asterisk (*) or wildcard in the ‘Filter Builder’, so if more items are added in the future, the new items will be included. Add Button Add All Button A B

Downloading Planning Schedule Data Once the ‘Filter Builder’ (F) is complete, click the Next button to access the download Status page. Tip: Because you do not get a preview of what is to be downloaded, we recommend that you Save a Planning Schedule Filter prior to executing a download. Then when you perform the download, Apply the saved filter criteria to insure that you download exactly the right information. At the ‘Inbox Status’ page, click the Refresh icon until the Status is ‘Completed’ Then click on the File Name link. F 12 13 14

Downloading the Data File All User Roles

‘Status’ Column Shows Download Progress Queued means the system is working on other files and will get to your file momentarily. In Process means the system is still writing the data file. If the “Queued” or “In Process” status is displayed, the status will automatically update every ten seconds. You can also click the Refresh icon (R) manually. Completed means the system is done writing the data file. If a "Completed" status is displayed, the file was successfully written on the server. If the Status column (S) displays an exclamation point icon, an error occurred in processing the data file. In that case, click the exclamation point icon to view the error file that explains the problem. In general, the error file will indicate the column and row in which the error occurred as well as a brief description of the error. R S

Downloading the Data File Click the File Name to begin the download process. Click the Save button to copy the file to your computer’s hard drive, or click the Open button to immediately view the file. 1 2

Updating Planning Schedules Offline with Excel CP PP Updating Planning Schedules Offline with Excel Consuming Partner & Providing Partner Only

Updating Excel Planning Schedules Offline CP PP Edit the Planning Schedule using Microsoft Excel. Excel 2003 and prior is limited to 256 columns and 65,535 rows. Excel 2007 does not have these limitations. Only rows in data columns identified by EDIT can be changed. If you Copy and Paste a row, be sure that Excel does not drop the leading zero of a field, e.g. going from 012345 to 12345. When copying a row it is best to copy from the row number (R) rather than copy the cells. R

Updating Flat File Planning Schedules Offline CP PP Updating Flat File Planning Schedules Offline Consuming Partner & Providing Partner Only

Opening Flat File Planning Schedules Offline CP PP We recommend that you use your internal system or word processing software to edit the flat file offline. If you open a flat file (tab-delimited text file) directly with Microsoft Excel, you may find some of the following bad things occur to your downloaded data: Leading zeros are dropped, i.e. 001234 becomes 1234. Long numbers such as dates in a format = yyyymmddhhmmss (year month day hour min sec), e.g. 20091031012345 (2009 Oct 31, 1:23:45 am), get converted into scientific notation and become 2.0E+13. Using the Excel ‘Text Import Wizard’ will resolve the above problems. When done editing the file in Excel, be sure to save it in text format.

Opening Flat File Planning Schedules Offline CP PP In Microsoft Excel, choose File  Open… From the Files of Type menu, choose Text Files (*prn; *.txt; *csv). Select the desired text file and click the Open button. 1 3 2

Opening Flat File Planning Schedules Offline CP PP In ‘Wizard Step 1 of 3’, scroll down to the bottom. Choose the Delimited radio button, then click Next >. In ‘Wizard Step 2 of 3’, choose the Tab checkbox, then click Next >. Scroll all the way right, hold the Shift key and click the last column. Make sure that all of the columns are highlighted. In ‘Wizard Step 3 of 3’, choose the Text radio button then click Finish. 6 7 4 5 8

Updating Planning Schedule Offline Regardless of Format CP PP Updating Planning Schedule Offline Regardless of Format Consuming Partner & Providing Partner Only

Updating Planning Schedules Offline CP PP To add or split data, do not insert a new row into the file; instead, copy and paste an existing row anywhere below the header rows, then edit the appropriate data in the editable columns. If you delete a row, the Planning Schedule Qty or Planning Schedule Response Qty value for that deleted date will become empty ($null) in the Planning Schedule upon upload. For example, your Planning Schedule date-qty is equal to 1/30-10, 2/15-20, and 3/15-30. You want to NULL out these values to all be zero. You can do so either by: Changing the PS Qty values to zero for each date and then uploading the file, or Setting the first date qty value to zero, deleting the remaining date rows, and then uploading the file.

Updating Planning Schedules Offline CP PP Date format is Mmm DD, YYYY (e.g. Oct 31, 2016). Mmm = Month (Oct) DD = Date (31) YYYY = Year (2016) The hash / number / pound sign (#) as the first character in the first cell of a row, will comment out the entire row so that the row will not load. The first 2 rows will be ignored upon upload. Row 1 contains 'No Edit' and 'Edit' labels to indicate which columns can be altered. Row 2 contains the column names.

Planning Schedule Upload CP Planning Schedule Upload Consuming Partner Only

Planning Schedule Upload File CP For each of the ‘Planning Schedule Qty’, if there is an associated Manufacturing Line No., that field should be populated. For each of the ‘Planning Schedule Qty’, if there is an associated Receiver Reference No., that field should be populated. # Comment Row  If used, include this with every Planning Schedule Qty entry Required field. Format is Mmm DD, YYYY Mmm=Month DD=Date YYYY=Year Only a 0 or positive integer is accepted   EDIT Manufacturing Line No. Planning Schedule Date Planning Schedule Qty Period Type Receiver Reference No. Contact Name Contact Number Schedule Agreement Numbers Schedule Item Number F2F_P2M Oct 27, 2016 4 daily RRN-090616-A R. Car 866-555-1234 1234 1 Oct 29, 2016 5 Oct 31, 2016 6 A B

Planning Schedule Upload File CP Continued view of the upload file: Unit of Measure   Format is Mmm DD, YYYY EDIT Plant UOM Planned Delivery Time MRP Controller Name Storage Location Supplier Item Firm Zone Trade Off Zone Rev Level Response Limit Date default  ea  5pm  5  zoo Dec 31, 2016

Planning Schedule Upload CP Upon a Planning Schedule upload, that collab will be marked with PS Status attribute value of "New". All collabs in New Planning Schedule state will be shown in the ‘Problem Summary’ region in ‘My Workspace’. When a new Planning Schedule is uploaded by the Consuming Partner, the existing ‘Planning Schedule Qty’ data is rolled-over to become ‘Planning Schedule Qty – Previous’, and the new Planning Schedule data is published as the current ‘Planning Schedule Qty’ data. 1 2

Planning Schedule Upload CP If there is any PS Quantity (date & quantity pair) that is different from the PS Quantity Previous data measure, then the Collab will be marked with a "Schedule Change". All collabs in "Schedule Change" State will be shown in the Problem Summary region in My Workspace. Users are able to search on this "Schedule Change" attribute to list only the collabs that have a "Schedule Change". 1 2

Planning Schedule Response Upload PP Planning Schedule Response Upload Providing Partner Only

Planning Schedule Response Upload File PP The ‘Reason Code’ column has predefined values to speed data entry. Reason codes should be entered when the response date or quantity does not match the requested date or quantity. Required field. Format is Mmm DD, YYYY Mmm=Month DD=Date YYYY=Year Only 0 or a positive integer is accepted. PP Populated A-Material Shortage B-Machine Reliability C-Tooling Issues D-Lack Of Capacity E-Shop Floor Planning F-Non Conformance G-Sub Tier Supply Failure H-Data Integrity I-Schedule Line Change J-Design Change S-Shipped X-Other - Please Specify EDIT Supplier Response Date Supplier Response Qty Reason Code Sep 22, 2016 2  G-Sub Tier Supply Failure Sep 24, 2016  X-Other - Balance due from Sep 22, 2009 Sep 26, 2016 5   Sep 30, 2016 6 A

Planning Schedule Response Upload PP When a new Planning Schedule Response is uploaded by the Providing Partner, the existing ‘Planning Schedule Response Qty’ data is rolled-over to become ‘Planning Schedule Response Qty – Previous’, and the new ‘Planning Schedule Response’ data is published as the current ‘Planning Schedule Response Qty’ data. 1

Planning Schedule Response Upload PP Upon a PS Response upload, the Planning Schedule will move to a state called “Sent”, and the exception for “Response Mismatch” will be evaluated. If any PS Response does not match a PS quantity, then the Collab is marked as a "Plan Response Mismatch". It is possible that even if the time buckets are showing the same numbers for Plan Schedule Qty and Plan Schedule Response Qty, if those numbers are associated with a different 'Manufacturing Line Number' the exception will be triggered. When a Providing Partner changes response in the User Interface, their responses will trigger the Response Mismatch exception upon Update. Current date or earliest demand date to 'Response Limit Date' shall be used to determine Response Mismatch exception. If ‘Response Limit Date’ is not present, the farthest date on PS/PSR will be used. 1

Uploading Planning Schedule/PS Response CP PP Uploading Planning Schedule/PS Response Consuming Partner & Providing Partner Only

Uploading Planning Schedule/Response Data CP PP Click Upload /Download  Uploads to expand the navigation tree. Click the Upload File(s) option. Consuming Partners click the appropriate Planning Schedule Upload radio button, while Providing Partners click the appropriate Planning Schedule Response Upload radio button. Click the Choose File button. Navigate to and select the file that you want to upload. Click the Next button. The ‘Inbox Status’ screen is shown – see next section. 3 5 1 4 2 6 7

Checking the Status of Your Upload CP PP Checking the Status of Your Upload Consuming Partner & Providing Partner Only

Status Column Shows Upload Progress Queued means the system is working on other files and will get to your file momentarily. In Process means the system is still writing the data file. If the “Queued” or “In Process” status is displayed, the status will automatically update every ten seconds. You can also click the Refresh icon (R) manually. Completed means the system is done writing the data file. If the "Completed" status is displayed, the data was successfully written on the server. If the “Completed with Errors” status is displayed (S), an error occurred in processing the data file. In that case, click the exclamation point icon to view the error file that explains the problem. In general, the error file provides the column and row where the error occurred as well as a brief description of the error. S R

Error Messages Common mistakes Insufficient Role Permissibility if you use the wrong Role. Invalid DM Type Count when you upload a date with no quantity. Unsupported date format (not formatted in ‘MMM dd, yyyy’) Make sure all required fields are filled with data. Note: In some cases N/A (Not applicable) can be an acceptable response. Error files for the Excel file upload will return all errors found in the upload, and you will need to ensure all reported errors are corrected before the upload will process. Error files for the Flat File text upload will return only the first error found in the upload. We recommend checking the rest of the data for similar errors prior to uploading the file again, since repeated errors will result in additional error files until all corrections to the file are made.

Inbox Status All User Roles

Inbox Status of Previous Downloads/Uploads On the left navigation tree, go to Inbox Status. Click + Job Filter to expand the top section. Optional, enter your search criteria. Click the Search button. 2 1 3 4 J System download files are purged from the ‘Job List’ (J) after three days.

End – Download/Upload Planning Schedule