Using mirror images to deeply explore your subject Reflections Using mirror images to deeply explore your subject
Objectives When you finish this activity, you will be able to: Compose photographs using a mirror as a reflective source Compose photographs using water as a reflective source Create images using reflections created in Photoshop
This is a major grade project - Get creative! Reflections Capturing a reflection adds an interesting or abstract look to a photo Use a variety of surfaces to reflect your image This is a major grade project - Get creative!
Mirrors Mirrors Use pic of royals dancer in mirror Reflections
Floors Floors
How do we create a reflection? 1. Open your image in Photoshop 2. Go to Image>Canvas Size 3. To the right of Anchor, click the top middle arrow 4. Change Inches to Percent and change the Height to 200. Click OK 5. Make a copy of the layer by pressing Control J
How do we create a reflection? 6. Make sure your new layer is labeled Layer 1 and change it if necessary 7. Go to View and make sure Rulers and Snap are checked 8. Go to the top ruler and drag a guideline to the center- it will snap in place 9. Open your Rectangular Marquee Tool and select the image only and not the white space below the image. 10. Make a copy of Layer 1 by pressing Control J
How do we create a reflection? 11. Make a copy of the copy by pressing Control J again - you should now see Layer 2 Copy, Layer 2, Layer 1, and then Background as your layers 12. Press Control T and then move to the top of your image 13. You should see a straight double arrow when you move your cursor to the top 14. Drag the top of the image to the bottom and it will snap into place 15. Drag your Layer 2 Copy below Layer 2 and name it Reflection
How do we create a reflection? 16. Name Layer 2 whatever your photo is of 17. Drag Layer 1 to the trash 18. Make the Reflection layer active and make a copy of it by pressing Control J - label it Reflection Copy 19. Go to Filter>Blur>Motion Blur 20. Make the Angle 90 degrees and the Distance 35 Pixels - press OK
How do we create a reflection? 21. Make the layer you named after your picture active by pressing it, then press Control-Shift-Alt-E - this will make a composite snapshot of the entire image 22. Open the Gradient Tool and make sure the Linear Gradient Tool is highlighted - if you’re not sure, float the mouse over the tools and their names will appear 23. Click on the arrow next to the Gradient box and choose the second option to the right 24. Go to the bottom of the image and press and hold Shift as you drag the gradient tool up to the middle of the image 25. Reduce the opacity to 30% (above the layers)
How do we create a reflection? 26. Hide the Guideline by pressing Control H If it doesn’t look right, ask your classmates several times before you ask me!
Assignment I: mirrors Bring your camera to class EVERY DAY THIS WEEK Compose three photos using mirrors as a reflective surface You may bring your own mirrors or use mine Only one of the photos may be taken in this classroom Save your photos to your H drive as [your last name] Mirrors1 [class period], and then turn in to Mr. Nigrelli via Google Drive by the end of class on Tuesday, February 28th
Assignment II: water Bring your camera to class EVERY DAY THIS WEEK Compose three photos using water as a reflective surface Shoot these photos on your own time, at home, or on campus Save your photos to your H drive as [your last name] Water1 [class period], and then turn in to Mr. Nigrelli via Google Drive by the end of class on Thursday, March 2nd
Assignment III: Create your own Bring your camera to class EVERY DAY THIS WEEK Create three images using reflections in Photoshop Save your images to your H drive as [your last name] Photoshop Reflection1 [class period], and then turn in to Mr. Nigrelli via Google Drive by the end of class on Friday, March 3rd