The Great Gatsby Conflict
Quick review What are the main themes of the book? Things are not always what they seem Happiness cannot be attained through materials Being unable to let go of the past can have a very large negative affect on a person’s future
Great Gatsby Party Epidemic After the movie was released in 2013, Everyone wanted to have Great Gatsby themed parties From college to celebrities, Great Gatsby became a themed party throughout the nation!
And many more…
Literary Types of conflict Person vs. Self: -Internal Struggle within a character’s own mind -Character must overcome their own personal struggle Write this down!
Literary Types of conflict Person vs. Person: -Characters are pitted against each other -Protagonist (central character/hero) vs. Antagonist (stands in opposition of protagonist) Write this down!
Literary Types of conflict Person vs. Supernatural -Characters have to overcome a struggle between reality vs. supernatural (things that are beyond the laws of nature) Write this down!
Literary types of conflict Person vs. Nature: -Nature is an obstacle for the characters -Example: hurricane, tornado OR an animal Write this down!
Literary Types of conflict Person vs. Technology: -Character struggles with modern technology or a machine in their life Write this down!
Literary Types of conflict Person vs. Society -Protagonist sees something differently, and the rest of society does not like that -Protagonist is untraditional and different than everyone else Write this down!
Conflicts in the GREAT Gatsby Person Vs. Person: Person vs. Self: Person vs. supernatural: Person vs. Nature: Person vs. Technology: Person vs. Society: