Office of Sponsored Programs Pre-Award Update Tonia M. Cable Grant Administrator Office of Sponsored Programs
PRF Hot Spots PRF data is used for proposal data entry into ResearchUVA and drives metrics and reporting Identified Areas for Improvement: Sponsor Type Effort Commitments Appointment Types On Grounds/Off Grounds and F&A rates Cost Share and Approvals Sponsor Contact Information – when there is a specific contact Scanned PRFs
Proposal Review Update Level of review is correlated to lead time for review prior to submission Proposal Review Elements you can expect from OSP (not in any particular order): Nature/scope of work Institutional base salaries of personnel Appointment types (9, 10, 11, 12) of personnel Effort commitments of personnel, squaring with #2 and #3 as well as the relevant budget periods Conflict of interest (individual and organizational) relative to federal, state, sponsor and institutional policies Cost sharing (mandatory/formal, voluntary/informal)
Proposal Review Update Third party entities, work and costs (e.g., subcontractors) Relatively costly line items (should be substantiated with quotes/well-justified) Fringe and F&A rates Animal subjects and Human Subjects Solicitation, understanding that specific requirements related to any of the above issues could be addressed therein
At-Risk PTAO OSP will process At-Risk PTAOs Submit SP23 for At-Risk if: OSP has not received Notice of Award (NOA) If contract/subaward is pending/being negotiated Critical Information for At-Risk PTAO Sponsor Funding Type (Award Purpose Code) Start Date as accurate as possible If NOA is received by OSP and there is an acute spending need, email
Award/Project End Dates in Oracle For awards that have provisional time and no carryforward restrictions LEED Date Oracle Award and Project
Award/Project End Dates in Oracle Award Date Award Date Budget Period