Horticulture II Plant ID Week 2
AGLAONEMA COMMUTATUM Aglaonema Indoors- perennial & Outdoors- annual Shrub-like Growth Habit Size depends on space provided Low light - Shade
AGLAONEMA COMMUTATUM Aglaonema Arrangement and composition: Alternate and Simple Shape Elliptical Length 8” - 10” Width 4” Margin Entire Veins Pinnate
AGLAONEMA COMMUTATUM Aglaonema Flower Spathe and Spadix White Fruit Yellow turning to red oblong 3/8” to 1/2” long
AGLAONEMA COMMUTATUM Aglaonema Helpful Hints: Leaves are gray-green with lighter colored silver white spots
AGLAONEMA COMMUTATUM Aglaonema Helpful Hints: Aglaonema has fewer veins in the leaf than Dieffenbachia
AGLAONEMA COMMUTATUM Aglaonema Helpful Hints: The leaf sheath is open a little way and then closes; whereas on Dieffenbachia the leaf sheath is open all the way down
Aglaonema left
BUXUS MICROPHYLLA var. Japonica Japanese Boxwood Evergreen perennial Shrub Growth Habit Height: 4-5’ Width: 3-4’ Sun- Part Shade
BUXUS MICROPHYLLA var. Japonica Japanese Boxwood Arrangement and composition: Opposite and Simple Shape Ovate Length 1” Width ½ ” Margin Entire Veins Pinnate
BUXUS MICROPHYLLA var. Japonica Japanese Boxwood Flower Spring White Fragrant Fruit Fall Green capsule turning to black
BUXUS MICROPHYLLA var. Japonica Japanese Boxwood Helpful Hints: Leaves appear rounded and have an indention in the tip of the leaf Leaves are more rounded at top than B. sempervirens
CAMELLIA JAPONICA Camellia Japonica Evergreen perennial Shrub Growth Habit Height 7’ - 12’ Width 5’ - 7’ Part Shade
CAMELLIA JAPONICA Camellia Japonica Arrangement and composition: Alternate and Simple Shape Ovate Length 3” - 4” Width 2” Margin Finely Serrated Veins Pinnate
CAMELLIA JAPONICA Camellia Japonica Flower Early Spring Red, Pink, White and shades Singles and doubles Fruit Fall Brown Capsule
CAMELLIA JAPONICA Camellia Japonica Helpful Hints: Leaf is larger than Camellia sasanqua
CAMELLIA SASANQUA Sasanqua Camellia Evergreen perennial Shrub Growth Habit Height: 7-12’ Width: 5-7’ Part Shade
CAMELLIA SASANQUA Sasanqua Camellia Arrangement and composition: Alternate and Simple Shape Ovate Length 1 1/2” - 2 1/2” Width 1” Margin Finely Serrated Veins Pinnate
CAMELLIA SASANQUA Sasanqua Camellia Flower Fall White, pink, red Singles and doubles Fruit Winter Brown capsule
CAMELLIA SASANQUA Sasanqua Camellia Helpful Hints: Leaf is smaller than Camellia japonica
CODIAEUM VARIEGATUM var. ‘Pictum’ Croton Indoors- perennial & Outdoors- annual Shrub Growth Habit Size varies Sun – Part Shade
CODIAEUM VARIEGATUM var. ‘Pictum’ Croton Arrangement and composition: Alternate and Simple Shape Ovate Length 5” - 12” Width 1/2” - 6” Margin Entire and lobed Veins Pinnate
CODIAEUM VARIEGATUM var. ‘Pictum’ Croton Flower Light yellow panicle Not showy Fruit Insignificant
CODIAEUM VARIEGATUM var. ‘Pictum’ Croton Helpful Hints: The leaf varies from 6” - 12” long and 1/2” to 4” wide May be nearly green or variegated with yellow, orange, or purple
ELAEAGNUS PUNGENS Thorny Elaeagnus Evergreen perennial Shrub Growth Habit Height: 8-11’ Width: 6-10’ Sun
ELAEAGNUS PUNGENS Thorny Elaeagnus Arrangement and composition: Alternate and Simple Shape Ovate Length 2 1/2” - 5” Width 1 1/2” Margin Entire Veins Pinnate
ELAEAGNUS PUNGENS Thorny Elaeagnus Flower Fall Silver White Fruit Spring Drupe Brown-Red
ELAEAGNUS PUNGENS Thorny Elaeagnus Helpful Hints: Silvery underside to the leaf with noticeable brown dots Thorns on twigs
Horticulture I Week 2 Review
Araucaria heterophylla Norfolk Island Pine
Dieffenbachia Dumbcane
Ficus benjamina Weeping Fig
Ficus elastica Rubber Plant
Philodendron scandens Parlor Ivy
Epiprenum aureum Golden Pothos