To learn what was life like in England during his reign. Lesson Five. Henry VIII To learn what was life like in England during his reign. Lesson Five.
What is strange about this image? Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Henry’s England Start Here What is strange about this image? It is an image of Henry VIII with his mother; Elizabeth of York and father; Henry VII, while he was married to Jane Seymour.
Write in your Books the title and date. Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Henry’s England Write in your Books the title and date. If you were as powerful as Henry VIII which 3 people from history would you insist came to dinner.
Say one person you would have chosen to have dinner with. Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Henry’s England Key vocabulary: Entertainment Hierarchy Reflect: What have we learnt so far? Say one person you would have chosen to have dinner with.
Making progress in history today: Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Making progress in history today: To evaluate the argument of historians about Henry VIII Thomas Cranmer To explain the impact Henry VIII has had in English history Henry VIII To describe the strengths and weaknesses of Henry VIII Ann Boleyn SMSC: moral – the impact of Henry’s decision on the World
Entertainment during the reign of Henry VIII. Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Henry’s England Review: What did we learn last lesson? Henry Jousting (2 minutes) : Music and Dance Banquets Entertainment during the reign of Henry VIII. Jousting Hunting
Activity: Henry’s England Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Henry’s England Activity: Task 1: All Make a plan in the back of your book for an essay with an introduction and two APE paragraphs. Remember to use hierarchy. Task 2: All Write your essay in the front of your books suggesting which two entertainments were Henry VIII’s favorites and also explain why. Task 3: Extension Add which of the four entertainments explains Tudor life the best and why.
Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. 1. All Make a plan in the back of your book for an essay with an introduction and two APE paragraphs. Remember to use hierarchy. Introduction: Henry VIII enjoyed many forms of entertainment , such as… The entertainment he enjoyed the most would have been…. 2. All Write your essay in the front of your books suggesting which two entertainments were Henry VIII’s favorites and also explain why. Henry VIII’s favourite entertainment would have been…….. This is clear because…… This meant that… 3. Extension Add which of the four entertainments explains Tudor life the best and why. The entertainment which best explains Tudor life is……. This entertainment shows historians that……
Activity: Henry’s England Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Henry’s England Activity: Measuring his armour shows that between his 20s and his 50s the 6ft 1” monarch's waist grew from 32in to 52in. By the time of his death in 1547 at the age of 56, he weighed 28 stone! Use this information and your knowledge to write a conclusion to explain the link between why Henry VIII put on so much weight and entertainment.
Henry VIII was a victim of his time, rank and his lifestyle? Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Henry’s England Plenary: What have we learnt this lesson? Henry VIII was a victim of his time, rank and his lifestyle? How true do you find this statement? Give a score between +10 for True and -10 for False, be ready to explain your reasoning.
Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Our Learning Journey Even Better Learning: Some will evaluate the argument of historians. Using appropriate vocabulary to discuss the historical impact of Henry VIII: Developing historical skills: Great Learning: Most will be able to describe the impact Henry VIII has had in English history. Good Learning: All will be able to develop their knowledge about King Henry VIII. I can use key words to discuss the historical impact of Henry VIII Source inference skills Supporting points with evidence Completing independent research Using ICT skills to present work effectively I am developing historical skills
Reflective time: Henry’s England Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Henry’s England One of the most sort after jobs was the ‘Groom of the Stool’, as this servant spent so much time with the king. This job was wiping Henry’s bottom Reflective time: 1 Write one thing you have learnt this lesson. 2 What could you do to improve your progress?
Homework: Henry’s England Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Henry’s England Homework: Carry out independent research and find one new fact about what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign.