Chapter 1 A Close-Up View of You
The Developmental Tasks of Adolescence Focus Topic The Developmental Tasks of Adolescence William Perugini/
Developmental Tasks of Adolescence Adolescence refers to the teen years. As a teen, you need to accomplish major developmental tasks as you enter adulthood. Dragon Images/
Understand and Accept Who You Are Who am I? Asking this question is a sign that you believe you are worth knowing. Answering the question will help you feel that you have worth and value in this world. Your sense of individuality is your personal identity. Your feelings of value are your self-esteem.
Make Healthful Choices That Help You Grow to Maturity Grow physically Grow socially Grow emotionally Grow intellectually Rohappy/
Develop Mature Relationships Family relationships change. Dependence decreases and independence increases. Continued absolute-india/
Develop Mature Relationships Friendships change, and true friendships become important. Give-and-take increases in relationships. Taking responsibility in work settings can help you mature socially.
Prepare for a Career Work is the major means of producing income to provide for your needs. goodluz/
Discuss What skills will you need to carry out your life work? Monkey Business Images/
Prepare for Independence Living on your own requires skills for meeting your own needs for money, food, clothing, housing, and transportation. Samuel Borges Photography/
Prepare for Marriage and Family Living Close relationships help you grow as a person. Pressmaster/
Discuss The developmental tasks of the teen years require changes. What can you do to prepare for change? arek_malang/
Gather Information About the Change physical changes you will go through as you grow, develop, and age emotional changes that accompany the teen years living on your own
Develop Skills to Adjust to the Change Communication skills Decision-making skills Skills for managing time Skills for managing money Nicotombo/
Manage the Change Develop a plan to help you feel positive about the changes you will experience manage increased demands on your time and money feel that you are in charge of your life
Focus Question What must teens do to prepare for the changes they will face as they mature to adulthood? chatursunil/