Making State Universities Innovative and Enterprising Presentation of the Group 5
Outline Current status Gaps/Challenges Way forward
Our Group Deans and Bursars of the following universities represented; University of Peradeniya University of Jaffna University of Sri Jayewardenepura University of Sabaragamuwa Eastern University of Sri Lanka Open University of Sri Lanka Uwa Wellassa University University of Colombo University of Ruhuna University of Kelaniya KDU
General Status and Challenges on Innovations and Entrepreneurship In the teaching learning process hitherto adopted it is not mandatory for students to be innovators or entrepreneurs; the efforts from the universities are purely voluntary Wide variation in universities as well as courses/faculties in this regard. Some universities have got a long way while others are still at the initial stages or none This also depends largely on the program; sciences and management have more opportunities than social sciences and humanities Availability of funds, the support from relevant outside organisations (ie. Inventors Commission, industry etc.) are crucial in directing the students to move to this direction, supported and rewarded The existing patenting process in the country is not efficient
As the university-industry link in teaching learning process is not optimal, the innovations could not find a ready market There is little opportunity for entrepreneurship within the curriculum and therefore students are more interested in completing the degree The innovations culture is not present in the universities Financial constraints and contacts
Strategies for improvement Inventions are not only products but ideas too!! Integrate innovations and entrepreneurship to the curriculum as well as to the teaching learning process Include credits for innovations, entrepreneurial projects (done as teams) across all the subjects and disciplines Allow more industry participation in curriculum development, delivery and assessments
Introduction of external program partners for each degree/non degree course/research programs
Introduce university-industry incubation centres as appropriate ably supported by the National Inventors Commission Establish an entrepreneurship arm in all the universities to encourage both the young as well as experienced researchers to innovate and link the output with the industry. Seed funding will be provided when necessary. Establish links with other relevant partners; Export Development Board, Banks (who promote innovations in various areas) etc. Create Entrepreneurial chairs in university
Encourage the student groups to work with Export Development Board in production and popularization of goods to world outside Provide seed funds or/and guidance to establish student companies to provide goods and services T shirt printing, re usable bags, cards, IT services and other help desks Consultancy firms to provide specialised services; statistics, environmental assessments, business development, media etc.
Eco Design Incorporating Environmental considerations at the early stages (Algae based plastics)
Banana Fibre Products
Pine Apple Fibre products