Evolution of solar wind structures between Venus and Mars orbits YouResAstro 2012 in Budapest, 3-6 Sept 2012 Evolution of solar wind structures between Venus and Mars orbits Andrea Opitz Velence, Hungary
Solar wind Pizzo 1978 JGR Continuous radial supersonic particle flow Quasi-neutrality: electrons and ions H+ 96%, He2+ 4% heavies (C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, Fe) Fully ionized dilute plasma Interplanetary magnetic field lines frozen-in (Parker spiral) SIR characteristics: Higher density Higher magnetic field Magnetic field rotation Enhanced energetic ion flux CIR = Corotating interaction region
Solar wind by ENLIL simulation
Solar wind propagation Timelag calculation: Opitz, Karrer, Wurz et al. 2009 Solar Physics
Solar wind properties STEREO = Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory Opitz, Karrer, Wurz et al. 2009 Solar Physics STEREO PLASTIC ion experiment
Temporal evolution: 360º β STEREO mission α 2007 March 1 − 2011 February 7: α = 0º → 180º β = 360º → 180º Carrington rotation: 27.28 days = 360º α Opitz, Karrer, Wurz, et al. 2009 SolPhys Opitz, Wurz, Sauvaud et al. 2012 in prep., SolPhys time lag: 0 → CR/2 → CR → 2*CR → ... → n*CR
Temporal evolution of the solar wind from 0.1 day up to several Carrington rotations: Solar wind bulk velocity 1 hour averages over 1 Carrington rotation time window. Opitz, Wurz, Sauvaud et al. 2012 Solar Physics, in preparation
Solar wind prediction V = Venus E = Earth 2007 August M = Mars A = STEREO Ahead B = STEREO Behind 2007 August Opitz, Fedorov, Wurz et al. 2010a, SolPhys
Venus STA STB VEX Opitz, Fedorov, Wurz et al. 2010a, SolPhys 100 Goodness (%)
Earth STA STB SOHO Opitz, Fedorov, Wurz et al. 2010a, SolPhys 100 Goodness (%)
Mars STA STB MEX Opitz, Fedorov, Wurz et al. 2010a, SolPhys 100 Goodness (%)
SIR interaction with Mars 2008-01-01 00:00 UT Right plot created with AMDA tool see poster by N. Andre
Solar cycle
Arbitrary CME http://www.helio-vo.eu/
Conclusion Sun and solar wind conditions are well observed both remote and in-situ in real-time. Study of their effects on planetary environments is strongly supported by heliospheric modeling. Solar community can provide solar input prediction by different propagation methods and event selection.