World class healthcare for Wales by 2015 Learn to use Patient Stories to improve and communicate effectively Andrew Cooper, 1000 Lives Plus Communication Officer Sarah Puntoni, 1000 Lives Plus Patient Stories Lead Context and Problem Effects of Changes Context: Patient stories used extensively in organisations as part of their internal communications. This has included board and staff meetings, Annual General Meetings and patient involvement and engagement groups, through to intranet and internet sites, staff newsletters and briefings. Patient stories used to support national and local media reporting on the progress of the 1000 Lives Plus programme and improvements in local NHS organisations. Increased patient engagement through the collection and use of stories. The use of patient stories used according to the 1000 Lives Plus model in all NHS Wales organisations. Greater multi-professional collaborations through stories development. Increased organisational confidence in using stories (both negative and positive). Increased multi-format development of stories (narrative, audio, video and digital). Development of stories from various audiences: patients, carers, staff and students. 1000 Lives Plus is a national programme which seeks to improve the quality and safety of patient care and reduce avoidable harm, waste and variation across NHS Wales. Specific areas of work are selected and the Model for Improvement, developed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, is used to test and introduce new ways of working. The programme is working across primary and secondary care as well as social services. The engagement of frontline staff is major factor in the programme’s success. Patient stories are a powerful tool not only to improve services, but communicate the difference the programme is making. Assessment of the Problem: A limited use of patient stories for healthcare improvement work. A reluctance to use patient stories – due to concerns over ethical consent and the appropriate use of material. Little training provided on the use of patient stories. A traditionally reactive, rather than proactive, communications culture within NHS Wales organisations. Limited recognition of the positive effect that positive patient stories can make both internally and externally. Online guidance for the collection and use of patient stories is available online at Strategy for Change 1000 Lives Plus developed the ‘One Story – Four Applications’ framework to support and encourage organisations in their use of patient stories. Training and hands-on support was arranged to provide the skills and the confidence for individuals to start collecting and using patient stories. Lessons Learned Lessons Learnt: The story is not the end of the process, but the beginning. The way it is used and its subsequent outcomes are the most important. Consent must be clear and informed. Spending time on ensuring clear communication and understanding of objectives, aims and ethics will lead to a positive outcome. Adequate training, support and teamwork is important to introduce the use of patient stories. Ensuring appropriate skill development and ownership of this work ensures sustainability. The development of stories has a real cost – in terms of time, training and effort. However, providing the end product is used effectively for improvement and communications it becomes extremely cost effective. Patient story Full narrative LEARNING EDUCATION INSPIRE MEDIA RESEARCH To inspire The potential to capture ‘hearts and minds’ and change a culture. Identify what can be done differently and effect change. To educate Shape healthcare of the future Embrace fundamental premise that patients are equal partners Equip workforce with appropriate skills To learn and improve Learn from the information gathered Practical application of improvement methodology Spread successful changes To engage the media Promote and celebrate achievements in healthcare. Provide a balance in media coverage of healthcare issues. Bring the NHS closer to its local communities. Conclusion: If a picture paints a thousand words, the worth of a patient story has the same capacity to make a significant impact for those who view it. Stories – whether they are from a patient, a family relative or a member of staff, have the power to bring about significant change in the delivery of safer and higher quality care. They can also be dynamic communication tools which inform, challenge and change a culture. If you would like more information, please contact or