The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics Working together to integrate digital technology in mathematics teaching and learning: putting the tools in the hands of the learners Professor Celia Hoyles OBE Director 27 Feb 2013
Take note please Session 1 Workshops Fire alarm test at 11.00 Please register for a workshop on level 3 Workshop locations are all on board on Level 3 Swap of rooms for Session 1: Clarke hall and Jeffrey Hall Smart swapping with 3D mathematics/Maths Centre Session 1 Workshops Exhibition space FE/Sec Teachmeet SMART Jeffrey Hall 3 D printer and Maths Centre Clarke Hall NRICH 801 Scratch 822 NumberGym 826 Geogebra 728
The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics Set up in 2006 funded by the Department of Children, Schools & Families (now Department for Education, DfE) Vision to develop a sustainable national infrastructure for subject-specific professional development of teachers of mathematics face-to-face events & network meetings interactions with the NCETM portal The NCETM aims to meet the professional aspirations and needs of all teachers of mathematics realise the potential of learners and the NCETM wants to meet these aims by through a sustainable national infrastructure for mathematics-specific continuing professional development (CPD).
Dr Jeremy Roschelle, SRI Int USA The Potential of ICT in Mathematics Teaching & Learning 12 March 2008 Central Hall Westminster, London The Rt Hon. Jim Knight MP Minister for Schools Prof Adrian Oldknow Prof Hilary Povey Dr Jeremy Roschelle, SRI Int USA 2008:The Potential of ICT in Teaching and Learning Chaired by Adrian Oldknow Speakers The Rt. Hon. Jim Knight MP, Minister of State for Schools and Learners wants teachers to “Use ICT to enthuse more students to learn more mathematics.” Dr Jeremy Roschelle, Director of the Center for Technology in Learning, SRI International, California reminded us that “Teacher Leaders can make it happen”. Professor Hilary Povey, Sheffield Hallam University, asked us to think about “what we valued re pupils learning mathematics?”. Peter Hamilton, Head of Education, Intel IT Innovation Centre, reminded us that “The use of powerful tools is only limited by the imagination.”.
Collaborative Teacher Projects Funding for teachers to work collaboratively on a particular issue with the support of an improvement agent We have funded over 350 projects See Projects should take no longer than six months from the start date Collaborative teacher funded projects to continue, with a specific emphasis on supporting the work of teaching schools, and with arithmetic, algebraic and geometric proficiency. An application window now open. Further details (And on a flyer available at this meeting.)
The ‘new’ NCETM contract March 2012-15 delivered by a consortium managed by Tribal Education in partnership with Myscience Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), Institute of Education, University of London (IOE) The new NCETM is managed by a consortium led by Tribal Education in partnership with Myscience, Mathematics in Education and Industry, and the Institute of Education, University of London. It is funded by the Department for Education. 6
Collaborative Teacher Projects 4th round of applications now open …. But closes on 1 March 2013 More rounds in the future Projects should take no longer than six months from the start date Collaborative teacher funded projects to continue, with a specific emphasis on supporting the work of teaching schools, and with arithmetic, algebraic and geometric proficiency. An application window now open. Further details (And on a flyer available at this meeting.)
Conference for CPD Standard Holders Future NCETM events Meeting for Mathematics Lead Teaching Schools 15 March 2013, Mary Ward House, London Conference for CPD Standard Holders 12 April 2013 Mary Ward House, London CPD Network Meetings PD providers across England common agenda new NCETM provision emerging landscape in mathematics education: National Curriculum …… more information
Nearly 100,000 registered users Statistics Sector Total (As of 20 February 2013) Primary: 16 785 schools Teacher Population of 194 900 44 712 Secondary: 3 218 schools Teacher Population of 35 200 28 761 FE: 416 institutions 4 877 Teachers of adult learners not in FE Institutions 5 190 Other registered users 20 510 110 106 (includes 10 993 people who have ticked more than one or no sector) Total Number of Registered Users 99 113 Nearly 100,000 registered users not spec 5582 Sen 1643 ITE 3446 acad 275 he 2244 ey 2334 Total of others: 17711 off learning / adult learning / la/ private / workbased = 6268 primary 28887 Sec 22371 (including 6 form) FE 3943 Use: registered users by sector – total: 69769 Use: total number of registered users: 59640
Aims for today to familiarise participants with a range of digital technologies that can be used to enhance mathematics teaching and learning to showcase some new developments & initiatives to provide the opportunity for teachers to share their successful strategies to hear about policy developments & reports in this area: panel this pm….. 10
Take note please Session 1 Workshops Fire alarm test at 11.00 Please register for a workshop on level 3 Workshop locations are all on board on Level 3 Swap of rooms for Session 1: Clarke hall and Jeffrey Hall Smart swapping with 3D mathematics/Maths Centre Session 1 Workshops Exhibition space FE/Sec Teachmeet SMART Jeffrey Hall 3 D printer and Maths Centre Clarke Hall NRICH 801 Scratch 822 NumberGym 826 Geogebra 728
Thank you very much