Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter A LIVING HOPE... ...A SURE SALVATION Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter
Lesson 1 – General Introduction Outline Of 2nd Peter True Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21 False Teachers Who Were To Come 2:1-22 Sure Promise In Which To Hope 3:1-18 4
False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Peter just detailed “true” prophecy 1:19-21 He now details “false” prophecy Specifically, Peter discusses false teachers Their dangerous methods vv. 1-3a Their certain punishment vv. 3b-9 Their failed promises vv. 10-19 Their own lost condition vv. 20-22
False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 False teachers have always been a concern for God’s people Deut 18:18-22 Isa 9:15-16 Mt 7:15-20 24:5, 24 Acts 20:29-30 1 Tim 4:1-3 1 Jn 4:1 Knowledge of the will of God (1st chapter) prepares saints in dealing with such error
False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Their dangerous methods vv. 1-3a Secretly introduce destructive heresies What if something must be taught “secretly?” Even denying the Master who bought them Peter knew this danger personally Lk 22 Sensual…greedy…exploit with false words
False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Their certain punishment vv. 3b-9 Judgment “…from long ago is not idle” Destruction “…is not asleep” God will not let error escape judgment The individual teacher is not marked out for judgment, but those who fit this description cp. Jude 4
False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Their certain punishment vv. 3b-9 Judgment “…from long ago is not idle” Destruction “…is not asleep” Sometimes children “get by” without being punished for misbehavior because parents forget, are too weary, or are indifferent God is not that type of Father !!
False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Their certain punishment vv. 3b-9 To illustrate the doom of false teachers, Peter cites 3 examples vv. 4-8 1) Angels who sinned v. 4 Not in need of salvation Heb 2:16 Yet, accountable for their conduct Jude 6 “Hell” = torments Lk 16:23 (not Gehenna)
False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Their certain punishment vv. 3b-9 To illustrate the doom of false teachers, Peter cites 3 examples vv. 4-8 2) Antediluvian world v. 5 People were warned…Noah “preached” God showed great patience 1 Pet 3:20 Their rejection brought doom Gen 6:3, 5-7
False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Their certain punishment vv. 3b-9 To illustrate the doom of false teachers, Peter cites 3 examples vv. 4-8 3) Sodom & Gomorrah vv. 6-8 Exceeding wickedness Gen 13:13 Jude 7 Judgment an “example to all…thereafter” Righteous are “vexed” by their bad choices
False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Their certain punishment vv. 3b-9 To illustrate the doom of false teachers, Peter cites 3 examples vv. 4-8 In all 3 examples, God did 2 things… He “did not spare” or “condemned” the guilty He “preserved” or “rescued” the righteous
False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Their certain punishment vv. 3b-9 To illustrate the doom of false teachers, Peter cites 3 examples vv. 4-8 Notice also the “if…then” language The point to be made is in v. 9 Faithful saints will be rescued False teachers will be judged
False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Their certain punishment vv. 3b-9 Who is the “first line of defense” against false teachers & false teaching? WE ARE !! 1:5, 16-21 2 Thess 2:10-12 Peter encourages faithful saints who believe and practice truth Ù in the end, God will deal with false teachers and their error