Revelation Part 4 Lesson 3
The Antichrist of 1 John I John was written to those who KNEW the TRUTH (2:21) To believers (5:13) Written concerning those trying to deceive them (2:26) Written so believers know they have eternal life (5:13) Antichrist IS coming, but many have already appeared (2:18) Whoever denies Jesus is the Christ = antichrist (2:23) Antichrists go out from TRUE believers (2:19) Contrast between Holy Spirit and antichrist (2:20)
The Antichrist of I John Abide: (3306) – meno: “to remain, endure forever, to be perpetual. Of the relation in which one person or thing stands with another, chiefly in John’s writings, thus to remain in or with someone: to be and remain united with him, one with him in heart, mind and will: steadfast, persevering in it.” Zod. I John 4:1 Test the spirits because of false prophets: those who have the spirit of antichrist. False prophets ARE antichrists, trying to deceive you I John 4:2 Believers recognize God’s Spirit within others: He testifies to Jesus I John 4:4 Greater is He that is in us, than antichrist
The Antichrist of 2 John Many deceivers/antichrists, are in the world vs. 7 They go too far and don’t abide in Jesus’ teachings vs. 9 “Too far”: proago – to go further than what is right or proper. Don’t acknowledge Jesus as coming in the flesh vs. 7 Watch yourselves!!! Vs. 8 These are present warnings and commands about being deceived by the spirit of antichrist – even before THE antichrist comes! You CAN recognize the spirit of error I John 4:6
The Beast of Revelation Kills the 2 Witnesses (11:7) Deceives the whole world! (11:10) Comes on the scene AFTER the devil is thrown from heaven to earth (12:9) AT the 7th trumpet (11:15) Connected with the devil (13:2,4) Gains world power (13:3) Empowered by the beast for 42 months (13:5) Receives a fatal wound on one of his 7 heads which is healed (13:3) The Beast was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction (17:8)????
The Beast of Revelation Will persecute/pursue the woman, who flees, and her offspring who: 1) Keep God’s commandments and 2) Hold to the testimony of Jesus (12:17) Beast that is like a leopard, has feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion. (13:2) Has 7 heads and 10 horns: (13:2) like the scarlet beast that the woman, Babylon, rides upon (17:3,7) Makes war with the saints and overcomes them (13:7) IS THE BEAST A KINGDOM OR A KING? He represents a kingdom, but he IS a man and his number is that of a man: 666 (13:18)
The Beast of Revelation Who are his associates during his reign? False Prophet (13:11-12) Ten kings (17:12) Babylon the great city, economic center of the world (17:18) Devil gives him authority and rule, but GOD purposes it (17:17) What happens to the beast’s kingdom? Bowls will be poured out on it (16:2, 10, 12-13) King of kings will put an end to it when He returns (19:20)
The Beast of Revelation What will happen to the beast? AFTER the beast and false prophet gather the kings of the earth to war against God (19:19) they will be thrown into the lake of fire (19:20) Tormented FOREVER! (20:10) Should we fear the “antichrist”? I John 4:18 There is no fear in love: but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. 2 Tim. 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.