The amount of supernatural you get to see is directly related to the level of your commitment to God If you’re a part-time Christian, don’t expect full-time miracles
America is experiencing the “Passive Wrath of God” (Rom. 1) When God gives you what you want (a life without Him) there are severe consequences that come with it
Elijah challenged the people to make a decision about who they were going to worship They wanted God’s blessings and miracles, but they weren’t ready to commit to Him Spiritual Principle: If you’re not ready to commit to the Lord, stop looking for miracles, and don’t expect Him to bless you
James 1:7 “Let not the double-minded man think he shall receive anything from the Lord.”
Outnumbered 450 to 1 The 450 prophets of Baal prepared their sacrifice and called on their god, but no one answered Elijah taunted the false prophets and made fun of their false god The false prophets slashed themselves with swords and spears, but there was still no answer
Elijah repairs the Lord’s Altar The Israelites had religion without commitment Elijah uses 12 stones – one for each tribe in Israel (Joshua 4:20-24) Many of us have nothing to tell our children, because we haven’t seen anything ourselves If you want to see this miracle-working God, you must make a decision
He poured WHAT on the altar? Elijah had them pour 4 jars of water on his sacrifice – 3 times Elijah prayed for God to answer The fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and soil, and licked up the water in the trench The people fell on their faces and cried, “The Lord – He is God! The Lord – He is God!”
Texas Speedbump
Are you ready to go all the way for God, and make a commitment to Him?