BREAKOUT 5 Automating Modification Development Facilitators: Sam Melton Progress Energy Matt Petitclair, NMC June 11-14, 2006 Richmond, VA
Automating Modification Development MOD PROCESS Is system automatic or not? An electronic (automatic) means no hard copy package 5 are fully electronic, 3 need signatures, 4 need some signatures, 8 others Some use PASSPORT, SAP, DOCUMENTUM, INFOWORKS,EB CM Equilibrium This module describes a well established, widely accepted model of the equilibrium state of Configuration Management in nuclear power plants. CM Process Model This module describes the processes that are used to return a plant to the equilibrium state. Design and Operating Margins This module describes how CM is used to protect design and Operating Margins Functional Areas This module demonstrates how Configuration Management applies to the normal everyday functions performed by most organizations across the site.
Automating Modification Development AUTOMATING TOOLS Progress developing a tool to help manipulate the ADL First Energy uses a shared database to collect list of documents (in house application) NMC uses SharePoint to store work, controlled documents, records, native files - everything searchable
Automating Modification Development SAP auto-generates/issues documents and records Progress has bolted on bulk update tool for equipment database. Also a check in/check out tool for native document files
Automating Modification Development PROBLEMS: Changes made to linked documents Sometimes auto features do too much Proprietary systems go away or change
Automating Modification Development Database doesn’t store documents real well - object linking embed (cumbersome for large documents) Linked to drive with documents stored - templates, etc. Avoid customization
Automating Modification Development A/E Supplied Engineering Product acceptance: Have supplier use customer’s system and process OR Receive from supplier, do an acceptance review, then enter in system