CORE AREA K. F. Chan (Mr.) MEBS6002
DIVERSITY OF ILLUMINANCE Core area – area of working plane having a boundary 0.5m from the walls Maximum to minimum illuminance not to exceed 5:1 K. F. Chan (Mr.) MEBS6002
TASK & SURROUND K. F. Chan (Mr.) MEBS6002
UNIFORMITY OF LUMINANCE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Faculty of Engineering M.Sc.(Eng) in Building Services MEBS 6002 Lighting Engineering UNIFORMITY OF LUMINANCE Luminance ratio task to immediate surround – 3:1 task to general background – 10:1 -- therefore, most modern office furniture are light coloured Task area - 0.5 x 0.5m in front of the observer at the edge of the desk or working surface. Immediate surround – band with a width of at least 0.5m. Typical task luminance range is 40 to 120 cd/m2, and seldom exceeds 200cd/m2 K. F. Chan (Mr.) MEBS6002
K. F. Chan (Mr.) MEBS6002
ILLUMINANCE VARIATION Task area – 0.5m x 0.5m Minimum to average not less than 0.8 K. F. Chan (Mr.) MEBS6002
UNIFORMITY OF ILLUMINANCE In general, if the recommended SHR is not exceeded, minimum to average of 0.8 can be achieved In general, if the mid-point ratio calculated according to CIBSE TM5 does not exceed 0.7, uniformity of 0.8 can also be achieved. K. F. Chan (Mr.) MEBS6002
SHR K. F. Chan (Mr.) MEBS6002