ASC report AGATA week Orsay Oct. 3-7, 2016 G. Duchêne
ASC organisation ASC organisation Partnership Country representatives After 14 years of participation to the ASC meetings, J. Jolie resigns from ASC and proposes P. Reiter to replace him. Germany will take over the ASC chairmanship in April 2018 P. Reiter is therefore the vice chair of the ASC Partnership Romania and Hungary resigned 10 countries are partners Country representatives D. Tonev (Bulg.), P. Greenlees (Fin.), G. Duchêne (chair) and W. Korten (Fr.), J. Gerl and P. Reiter (vice-chair) (Ger.), A. Bracco and G. De Angelis (It.), P. Bednarczyk (Pol.), A. Jungclaus (Spain), B. Cederwall (Sw.), A. Atac (Tur.), P. Nolan and J. Simpson (UK) A. Gadea (PM and AMB chair), J. Nyberg (ACC chair), ?? (RM)
MoU prolongation MoU prolongation Decision to prolong the MoU till fall 2020 Decision to prolong the GANIL host till fall 2019 A French version of the MoU has been submitted to the ASC on June 20, 2016 Dates changed, host sites, details… Annexes: countries (exit Hungary and Romania), and institutions, several tables Sharing between French partners Host sites expenses and collaboration human resources for installation Summary financial and human resources tables (Demonstrator, 2015 status, 2020 goal) OC table for the 2016-2020 period. Sharing between the countries Possibility to request a meeting of the Parties with the ASC for review The ASC met via VC on July 15 and suggested few modifications They have been accepted by the French authorities after some rewording This modified version has been distributed to the ASC members on July 22 for submission to their authorities
MoU prolongation – OC and Core Requests Fee of 2% External resources (4%): spokespersons not belonging to the AGATA community,… OC funds sharing is related to the number of ATC that each country intends to possess at the end of the MoU Contrary to the initial version of the MoU, each country has to contribute to the AGATA capital (Core money) with at least 1/3 of a triple cluster Aims for fall 2020 are: Bulgaria, Finland and Poland = 1/3 of ATC each (0) Spain, Turkey = 1 ATC (2/3, 1) Sweden = 2 ATC (1) UK = 3 ATC (2) France, Germany, Italy = 4 ATC (3.66, 4, 4)
MoU prolongation Present status Till now : Finland, Italy and Poland gave a green light a slightly modified version from GSI with some inconsistences; modifications including all the changes but placed and phrased in a more logical way (almost accepted by GSI) as UK will apply for funds in the coming months it is not opportune to sign again the MoU in the coming year. To be reconsidered later on Still wait on the position from Bulgaria (Sofia uni and Academy of sciences), Spain (CSIC, Salamanca and Valencia), Sweden and Turkey
ASC report DEGAS detectors GD transferred to ASC the AMB requirements regarding the compatibility of the cryostats and in general of the infrastructure of the DEGAS detectors to be used with AGATA J. Gerl indicates that this discussion is based on a misunderstanding. The AGATA detectors bought by DEGAS will be equipped following AGATA requirements. Only the EUROBALL clusters which will be rearranged in triples will get special cryostats A proposal of DEGAS-AGATA agreement document has been distributed for discussion to the ASC on October 14
ASC report Perspectives MoU prolongation signature by fall 2016 AGATA common account signature early 2017 DEGAS-AGATA agreement: negotiations and signature (2017) Preparation of the physics case for the next MoU (2017-2018) Next MoU for the 2/3 phase (2018-2019)
MoU prolongation Introduction The full 4 AGATA system comprises 60 triple Cluster Ge detectors, the associated electronics, data acquisition and related equipment. The system will be built up and operated in phases. The aim of the first phase is to build up and operate 1/3 of the full AGATA system in four years from the date on when this MOU comes into effect. It is the intention to pursue the construction and operation of 2/3 and 3/3 of the full system in subsequent phases. Remplacé par The full 4 AGATA system comprises 60 triple Cluster Ge detectors, the associated electronics, data acquisition and related equipment. The system will be built up and operated in phases. The aim of the first phase is to build up and operate up to 1/3 of the full AGATA system. It is the intention to finish this phase by 31 December 2020. The construction and operation of 2/3 and 3/3 of the full system will be pursued in subsequent phases.
MoU prolongation 3. Purpose of this MoU Annexe C gives the operation costs for the first four years of the Project. The Parties agree to operate the AGATA system in campaigns of experiments as the units become available. For the duration of this MoU the AGATA system is expected to be sited for at least 25% of its total operation time each at GANIL/SPIRAL2 (Caen, France), GSI/FAIR (Darmstadt, Germany), LNL/SPES (Legnaro, Italy). The host collaborating institutions GANIL, GSI and LNL (hereinafter “Host” or “AGATA Host”) have agreed to host AGATA. AGATA will be an essential instrument for the future facilities FAIR, SPES and SPIRAL2. Remplacé par Annex C gives the operation costs of the Project. The Parties agree to operate the AGATA system in campaigns of experiments as the units become available. The host collaborating institutions GANIL, GSI and LNL (hereinafter "Host" or "AGATA Host") have agreed to host AGATA. AGATA will be an essential instrument for the facilities FAIR, SPES and SPIRAL2. AGATA will be sited at GANIL at least until 2019.
MoU prolongation 4. Commencement, Duration, Withdrawal and Extension of the MoU This MoU will become effective when at least three Parties have signed including at least one Party from a country with a host collaborating institution. This MoU shall continue in force until 31 December 2015. This MoU may be extended only by an amendment to the MoU. Any Party may withdraw from the AGATA MoU by giving not less than twelve months notice in writing to the AGATA Steering Committee. It is expected that equipment provided by the Party will remain with AGATA for the period of this MoU. Remplacé par This MoU will become effective on 1st of January 2016 between the signatories of this MoU when at least three (3) Parties have signed including at least one (1) Party from a country with a host collaborating institution. This MoU shall continue in force until 31st December 2020. This MoU may be extended only by an amendment to the Any Party may withdraw from the AGATA MoU by giving not less than twelve (12) months prior notice in writing to the AGATA Steering Committee. It is expected that equipment provided by the Party will remain in custody or use with the AGATA Host and Collaboration for the period of this MoU.
MoU prolongation 6. Amendments and Modification of the MoU This MoU may be amended or modified at any time in writing if agreed by at least two thirds of the Parties. Remplacé par This MoU may be amended or modified at any time if agreed by at least two thirds (2/3) of the AGATA Steering Committee, subject to a written amendment signed by the Parties. 7. General Provisions All questions regarding the interpretation of this MoU will be resolved consensually by the Parties. Any dispute as may arise between the Parties hereto in connection with this MoU, which cannot be resolved amicably between the Parties, shall be finally settled by the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules unless the Parties agree on a single arbitrator. The award of the arbitrator will be final and binding upon the Parties concerned. Proceedings shall be conducted in English. shall be finally settled by the signatories of the Parties. The decision of the signatories of the Parties will be final and binding upon the Parties concerned. Proceedings shall be conducted in English.
MoU prolongation Annexe A.1: List of Parties Univ. Sofia, Bulgaria; Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgaria; Univ. Jyväskylä, Department of Physics, Accelerator Laboratory, Finland; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules, France; Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique – Direction des Sciences de la Matière, France; Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH, Germany; Istituto Nazionale de Fisica Nucleare, Italy; Polish Academy of Sciences – The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Poland; University of Warsaw, Poland; Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN/HH), Romania; Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; Ankara University, Turkey; Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK; Each Party is representing their national institutions collaborating in the AGATA Project and takes the institutional responsibility for the Project with the exception of Bulgaria, France and Poland where each Party represents their own institutes or institutions. Annexe A.1: List of Parties Univ. Sofia, Bulgaria; Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgaria; Univ. Jyvaskyla, Department of Physics, Accelerator Laboratory, Finland; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules, France; Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives - Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale, France; GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Germany; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy; Consortium of Polish Institutions (COPIN), represented by the Director of the Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN), Kraków Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaciòn (MICINN), Spain Universidad de Valencia, Spain Universidad de Salamanca, Spain Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; Ankara University, Turkey; Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK;
MoU prolongation Annexe A.2: List of collaborating Institutions Bulgaria: Univ. Sofia, INRNE Sofia Finland: Univ. Jyväskylä France: GANIL Caen, LPSC Grenoble, IPN Lyon, CSNSM Orsay, IPN Orsay, CEA/DSM/IRFU Saclay, IPHC Strasbourg Germany: GSI Darmstadt, TU Darmstadt, Univ. zu Köln, TU München Italy: INFN Firenze, INFN Genova, INFN Legnaro, INFN Milano, INFN Napoli, INFN Padova, INFN Perugia (Camerino) Poland: IFJ PAN Krakow, University of Warsaw (HIL) Romania: IFIN/HH Bucharest Sweden: Chalmers Univ. of Technology Göteborg, Lund Univ., Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Uppsala Univ. Turkey: Univ. Ankara, Univ. Istanbul, Technical Univ. Istanbul UK: Univ. Brighton, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Univ. Edinburgh, Univ. Liverpool, Univ. Manchester, Univ. Surrey, Univ. West of Scotland, Univ. York Annexe A.2: List of collaborating Institutions Bulgaria: Uni v. Sofia, INRNE Sofia Finland: Univ. Jyväskylä France: GANIL Caen, LPSC Grenoble, IPN Lyon, CSNSM Orsay, IPN Orsay, IRFU/SPhN, IRFU/SEDI, IRFU/SIS Saclay, IPHC Strasbourg Germany: GSI Darmstadt, TU Darmstadt, Univ. zu Köln, TU München Italy: INFN Firenze, INFN Genova, INFN Legnaro, INFN Milano, INFN Napoli, INFN Padova, INFN Perugia (Camerino) Poland: IFJ PAN Krakow, University of Warsaw (HIL) Spain: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas – Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular Consejo Superior de Investigationes Cientificas – Instituto de Estructura de la Materia Universidad de Salamanca – Laboratorio de Radiaciones Ionizantes Universidad de Valencia – Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieria Sweden: Chalmers Univ. of Technology Göteborg, Lund Univ., Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Uppsala Univ. Turkey: Univ. Ankara, Univ. Istanbul, Technical Univ. Istanbul UK: Univ. Brighton, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Univ. Edinburgh, Univ. Liverpool, Univ. Manchester, Univ. Surrey, Univ. West of Scotland, Univ. York
MoU prolongation
MoU prolongation
MoU prolongation
MoU prolongation Annexe B.3: Construction schedule and Milestones Provisional planning and milestones for the construction of a 20 unit AGATA system in 4 years. The final planning will depend on the detailed funding profile and the delivery schedule of the Ge detectors which is to be negotiated with the manufacturer. Month Item 01 Start ordering of new AGATA Ge detectors and cryostats 07 Start production of new AGATA front-end electronics 12 AGATA system with 5 Triple-Cluster detectors completed 13 Begin delivery of AGATA Ge detectors and cryostats (at least 3 crystals every 2 months) 16 Begin integration of AGATA triple-cluster detectors (at least 1 cluster every 2 months) 30 Start upgrading AGATA DAQ system for 20 Triple-Cluster detectors 42 End delivery of new AGATA Ge detectors and cryostats 47 Integration of AGATA triple-cluster detectors completed 48 Installation of 20 unit AGATA system completed Annex B.3: Construction schedule and Milestones Provisional planning and milestones for the construction of a 20 unit AGATA system (starting 1/1/2009). The construction, according to the new planning given below, will end on 31/12/2020. Month Item 01 Start ordering of new AGA TA Ge detectors and cryostats 07 Start production of new AGATA front-end electronics 12 AGATA system with 5 Triple-Cluster detectors completed 13 Begin delivery of AGATA Ge detectors and cryostats (at least 3 crystals every 2 months) 16 Begin integration of AGATA triple-cluster detectors (at least l cluster every 2 months) 30 Start upgrading AGATA DAQ system for 20 Triple-Cluster detectors 110 End delivery of new AGATA Ge detectors and cryostats 120 Integration of AGATA triple-cluster detectors completed 132 Installation of 20 unit AGATA system completed
MoU prolongation
MoU prolongation
MoU prolongation Annexe D: AGATA Steering Committee (ASC) Annexe D: Decisions in the ASC shall be taken by consensus. The ASC shall not make any decision unless a quorum of two thirds of the votes are represented. Minutes of each meeting shall be drafted by the chairperson to the other members without delay. The minutes of each meeting shall be considered as accepted by the other members if, within thirty calendar days from receipt, the other members have not objected in writing to the chairperson. The ASC chair signs on behalf of the ASC all written agreements. Annexe D: AGATA Steering Committee (ASC) The ASC shall meet at least once a year. Decisions in the ASC shall be taken by consensus. The ASC shall not make any decision unless a quorum of two thirds of the votes is represented. Minutes of each meeting shall be drafted by the chairperson and communicated to the other members without delay. The minutes of each meeting shall be considered as accepted by the other members if, within thirty calendar days from receipt, the other members have not objected in writing to the chairperson. The minutes shall include a detailed financial report on the capital resources and operational costs for each Party during the preceding and upcoming year. The ASC is bound to inform the Parties of the detailed financial annual report. In case modifications of the Project with respect to the present plan of the MoU have to be considered, exceptional meetings shall be summoned following the request of one or more Parties, for review and eventual approval of the ASC decision. All members of the ASC nominated by the Parties may attend the exceptional meetings. The ASC chair signs on behalf of the ASC all written agreements.