Riccardo BRUNO, INFN Catania - Italy MitoTools Riccardo BRUNO, INFN Catania - Italy CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting, 09-20 June 2014, Catania - Italy
http://www.mitotool.org Available in two formats: Standalone (Good for porting) Web based (Available from the home page)
Downloads Many platforms supported Linux Requires several pre-requisites Mac version available for Intel CPUs only
Downloads Many platforms supported Linux Requires several pre-requisites 64 bits download: http://www.mitotool.org/MitoTool_Linux_X64.tar.gz Mac version available for Intel CPUs only
Porting suggestions Most of the pre-requisites are already available The suggested solution is to use the Cloud approach due to the Qt requirement (API for GUIs) yum install qt-x11-4.6.2 The VM shall be controlled by the user who requests it Successful installation test made on top a CentOS6 x86_64 Event / Place / Date
Porting suggestions Installation is very simple and the GUI will be available executing: ./MitoTools Event / Place / Date
Issues How can we provide access to this application? How can we connect to the VM’ X11 server? Many possible solutions, more adopted: VNC server (TigerVNC) Direcly using the VM’ X server How can I merge X/VNC access with the SG portal An API must be found It’s better the VM satisfies more SG users Which is the right user limit? How the web interface should manage overbookings? Difficulty: Medium (Only design the proper UI) Event / Place / Date
www.chain-project.eu proj-office@chain-project.eu