New xTCA Developments at SLAC CERN xTCA for Physics Interest Group Sept 26, 2011 Ray Larsen SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen Topics Standards developments Applications Demonstration Program Future Plans New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen Standards Hardware, Software working groups meet weekly/ needed 2 new HW standards approved ATCA PICMG3.8 Standard IO interface to Rear Transition Module (RTM), IPMI extension & power connector MTCA MTCA.4 Crate, 2-wide AMC & RTM, IO interface, IPMI extension and power pins designated New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
Standard Extensions for Physics New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen Standards Details ATCA PICMG3.8 120 5GHz BW IO channels on 3- 4x10 ZD connectors New connector (Positronix) for IPM, power Mechanical, E-keying functions Implemented on SLAC MPP Processor (M. Huffer) MTCA.4 Extends double-wide shelf (crate) to include RTM 60 Ch IO, IPMI on 2- 3x10 ZD connectors Extended backplane timing, trigger, interlocks layer Compatible with all existing 1-wide AMC products Implemented by Schroff, ELMA, PT, others in dev’mt New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen PICMG3.8 RTM Interface Standard Rear View 120 - IO Channels (3x40) IPMI, Power Connector (blue) 2 Mechanical Keys Courtesy M. Huffer, SLAC New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
MTCA.4 AMC-RTM-Shelf Concept New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen MTCA.4 12-AMC Backplane Intlk, Vector Sums Can implement a half width backplane Parallel Triggers New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen MTCA.4 Backplane Timing Distribution 2 radial clocks per AMC, low jitter MCH Cross- Point-Switch Backplane Central Timing AMC Timing AMC ADC AMC ADC Enc.Clock Enc.Clock Trigger Trigger Interlock Interlock 8 bussed lines, M-LVDS for Clocks, triggers, interlocks Courtesy K. Rehlich, DESY New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
µRTM Extended IPMI Circuit New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
MTCA.4 Prototype Shelves & Modules Emerging New Electronics Standards - R. Larsen
MTCA.4 - 12 Slot Shelf Dual Star Back-Plane Dual PU slot Dual MCH Slot 12 Payload AMC-RTMs Dual Star Redundant Front View New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
MTCA.4 - 6-Slot Shelf Non-Redundant 6 Slot Development Shelf 1-Star Non- Redundant Front View 6-Slot Rear View Courtesy Schroff, Struck New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
SLAC Applications Demonstrations LLRF for Main Linac S-Band 50MW station Klystron interlocks for 10MW L-Band station Beam Position Monitors for LCLSII Injector New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen 1. S-Band LLRF Demonstrate intra-pulse feedback to achieve ~30fs phase control Lower noise RF front end chassis New solid state sub-booster Feedback loop implemented in MTCA.4 using Struck 10 Ch ADC 2 Ch DAC developed w/DESY New LCLSI waveguide water-stabilized rack Test on Standby triggering, switch to Accelerate Tests on accelerator to complete Oct 2011 New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
LLRF MTCA & RF Chassis Testing New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen Rear View New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen RTM Inputs Note – Preliminary RTM shown Final RTM with full IPMI complete, In test. New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
RF Chassis – Reference, LO, Sources, Downmixers Note – Next stage plan is to test L-Band down-mixers, other RF modules in MTCA card format New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
AMC - 10/2Ch ADC/DAC 16bit 125 MSPS Initial Applications: LLRF DESY XFEL LLRF SLAC Upgrade Proto Photo courtesy M. Kirsch, (Struck ) Emerging New Electronics Standards - R. Larsen
RTM 10 Ch ADC-DAC, IPMI Interface Rear Panel Mini-Coax IF Signals In RF Ref In Trigger in Dual I&Q DAC Out IPMI Extension to RF Chassis Courtesy A. Young, SLAC Emerging New Electronics Standards - R. Larsen
2. MTCA Klystron Interlocks S&L Band FPGA based interlocks in MTCA.4 S-Band interlocks currently in separate FPGA non-modular chassis L-Band interlocks currently FPGA based in VME MTCA solution will serve both in future SLAC designed RTM mates to new TEWS Spartan 6 FPGA module (just received in US) RTM testing starting 1 board pair serves 8 Ch-60MSps, 16 Ch-2KSps 2 board pairs serve 1 S- or L-band station New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
Emerging New Electronics Standards - R. Larsen RTM FPGA Interlocks Rear Panel Inputs - 8-60 MSps Ch - 16-2 KSps Ch - 12 bits Diff +/- 1V - Diode protection All channels Outputs - Interlock Sums RF Interlocks for L-Band 1 msec, S-band 1.5 µsec Courtesy D.G. Brown, SLAC Emerging New Electronics Standards - R. Larsen
New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen AMC TAMC651 FPGA w/RTM Courtesy TEWS Note – Completion date for ESB installation Dec. 2011. New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
3. BPMs for LCSLII Injector Goal: Demonstration of 8 BPMs in 12-slot RTM has 4 Ch analog plus calibration w/ strip-line coupling between 120 Hz pulses AMCs will be 4 Ch 125 or 250 MSps (125 available now; 250 may be developed by commercial supplier(s) 250 MSps needed if multibunch (2 bunches 8 nsec apart) Requirements being finalized (16 bit ADCs) Preliminary RTM layout indicates feasible New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
BPM System Block Diagram Courtesy S. Hoobler et al, private communication New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen Conclusions 1 Standards for hardware have passed 2 major milestones Committees will disband when SOWs complete Software committee continues developing guidelines for architecture and protocols Member labs remain involved in PICMG through Coordinating Committee for oversight, servicing tweaks Start new initiatives, SOWs, form committees as needed New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen
New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen Conclusions 2 SLAC new initiatives open future opportunities Main Linac RF upgrades for LCLSII, I. BPM upgrades for LCLSII Injector, Main Linac Interlock systems wholly contained in MTCA.4 combined RF-Controls package Long range: Complete replacement CAMAC controls in 2-mile accelerator, $20M program Timeline: RF and interlock demos complete in Q1-2 FY12 BPM AIP completes Q2 FY13 New xTCA Developments at SLAC - R. Larsen