Turnitin: A check for originality Janet Lenart jlenart@uw.edu Director for Online Learning & Senior Lecturer Technology & Teaching: A Repository of Resources and a Forum for Ideas
In Canvas Speed Grader The speech bubble (1) indicates the percent of the assignment that matches other sources. Click to open details.
Originality report Retrieved 10-22-13 from http://guides.instructure.com/
Turnitin in Canvas - FAQ How do I enable Turnitin for an Assignment? How do I set a course submission comment for a Trunitin assignment? How does Turnitin work in the SpeedGrader? What happens if there are Turnitin submission errors? Instructor usage guide Student usage guide How can I allow students to see their Originality Report before submitting their assignment? In assignment settings allow students: An "immediate" originality report. Note: it may take an hour for it to be generated. To re-submit the assignment. About Turnitin plagiarism review from UW Learning & Scholarly Technologies
Turnitin.com Data base includes more than 40 billion web pages, 300 million student papers and articles. Demo video http://turnitin.com/en_us/features/originalitycheck Webcasts http://www.turnitin.com/en_us/resources/webcasts
School of Nursing Plagiarism Policy http://nursing. uw Writing Resources http://nursing.uw.edu/academic-services/student-resources/writing-resources.html