From: Saliency, attention, and visual search: An information theoretic approach Journal of Vision. 2009;9(3):5. doi:10.1167/9.3.5 Figure Legend: (a) The framework that achieves the desired information measure, an estimate of the likelihood of content within the central patch C k on the basis of its surround S k. Each rounded rectangle depicts an operation involved in the overall computational framework: Independent Feature Extraction: Responses of cells (ICA coefficients) are extracted from each local neighborhood of the image. These may be thought of as the firing rate associated with various cells reminiscent of those found in V1. Density Estimation: Producing a set of independent coefficients for every local neighborhood within the image yields a distribution of values for any single coefficient based on a probability density estimate in the form of a histogram or Kernel density estimate. Joint Likelihood: Any given coefficient may be readily converted to a probability by looking up its likelihood from the corresponding coefficient probability distribution derived from the surround. The product of all the individual likelihoods corresponding to a particular local region yields the joint likelihood. Self-Information: The joint likelihood is translated into Shannon's measure of Self-Information by −log( p( x)). The resulting information map depicts the Saliency attributed to each spatial location based on the aforementioned computation. (b) Details of the Independent Feature Extraction Stage: ICA: A large number of local patches are randomly sampled from a set of 3600 natural images. Based on these patches a sparse spatiochromatic basis is learned via independent component analysis. An example of a typical mixing matrix labeled as A is shown in (a). Matrix Pseudoinverse: The pseudoinverse of the mixing matrix provides the unmixing matrix, which may be used to separate the content within any local region into independent components. The functions corresponding to the unmixing matrix resemble oriented Gabors and color opponent cells akin to those appearing in V1. Matrix Multiplication: The matrix product of any local neighborhood with the unmixing matrix yields for each local observation a set of independent coefficients corresponding to the relative contribution of various oriented Gabor-like filters and color opponent type cells. Additional details concerning the specifics of the components involved may be found in Sections 2.1–2.5 and in Appendix A. Date of download: 11/6/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.