A New Way to Detect the Higgs


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Presentation transcript:

A New Way to Detect the Higgs S. Reucroft Northeastern University, Boston Work done with Y.N. Srivastava, J. Swain and A. Widom 1. hep-ph/0509151 and Euro. Phys. J. C (theory) 2. hep-ph/0511233 (experimental consequences) Reucroft ≥TeV Workshop August 28, 2006

Standard ways to look for Higgs Really only two techniques: 1) Direct searches; 2) Indirect appearances in loops with heavy particles (radiative corrections). NOT EASY Reucroft ≥TeV Workshop August 28, 2006

http://lepewwg.web.cern.ch/LEPEWWG/ 114 GeV<MH<199 GeV (95% CL)

http://cmsinfo. cern. ch/outreach/CMSdocuments/CMSplots/CMSplots. html http://cmsinfo.cern.ch/outreach/CMSdocuments/CMSplots/CMSplots.html 100 fb-1, 10 yrs at 1033 cm-2s-1

http://cmsinfo. cern. ch/outreach/CMSdocuments/CMSplots/CMSplots. html http://cmsinfo.cern.ch/outreach/CMSdocuments/CMSplots/CMSplots.html 100 fb-1, 10 yrs at 1033 cm-2s-1

http://cmsinfo. cern. ch/outreach/CMSdocuments/CMSplots/CMSplots. html http://cmsinfo.cern.ch/outreach/CMSdocuments/CMSplots/CMSplots.html 100 fb-1, 10 yrs at 1033 cm-2s-1

http://atlas. web. cern. ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/TDR/TDR. html http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/TDR/TDR.html 30 fb-1, 30 yrs at 1032 cm-2s-1 Reucroft ≥TeV Workshop August 28, 2006

http://atlas. web. cern. ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/TDR/TDR. html http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/TDR/TDR.html 100 fb-1, 10 yrs at 1033 cm-2s-1

A New Method Based on a Very Simple Idea Look for the Higgs FIELD instead of the Higgs PARTICLE Problem: Higgs is very massive  very short range Higgs field A Particle very close to the Source of a Higgs Field will experience a Mass Adjustment Look at the Effect on Pairs of Massive Particles near Pair Threshold Reucroft ≥TeV Workshop August 28, 2006

  hep-ph/0509151 = Euro. Phys. J. C Reucroft ≥TeV Workshop August 28, 2006

Z Mass Plots from L3 at LEP2

Summary Look at Pairs of Massive Particles Near Threshold Higgs Field Causes Mass Shifts Experimentally Difficult and Delicate Technique (Like all Higgs Techniques) Complements Higgs Boson Searches New Powerful Higgs Tool at LHC, ILC,…. Unlike Direct and Indirect Higgs Boson Searches, It Provides Unambiguous Proof of Presence or Absence of Higgs Field Reucroft ≥TeV Workshop August 28, 2006