Scripture Reading: II Peter 3:8-18a The Properly Functioning Reactions Toward Evil Treatment (Romans 12:17-21) Scripture Reading: II Peter 3:8-18a
Introduction The Body of Christ emphasizes care, coordination and cooperation among the members of that Body, under the direction of Christ, who is the Head of the Body.
Do Not Return Evil for Evil Correct Authority over evil Human government (Rom 13:4) God is the final, righteous, and only competent judge Cf Jude 9; II Thess 1:7-9 Correct Timing At Christ’s 2nd coming (Matt 24:25) At the Great White Throne (Rev 20:11-15) Correct purpose for believers To provide a good testimony before all men (Rom 12:17b) To give an explanation for our hope (I Pet 3:15)
Correctly Living in Peace with All Men (Rom 12:18) Assuming it is possible Cf II Cor 6:14-16 “As far as it rests with you” or “on your part”
Correctly Giving Place unto “The Wrath” (Rom 12:19) (The 7 bowls of God’s Wrath in Rev 16) God will full repay Cf Deut 32:35; II Tim 4:14
Correct Response to Those Who Constitute Themselves as our Enemy Question: Who should a Christian make his enemy? Answer: No one! Feed them if they are hungry Give drink if they are thirsty The end result will be their shame Cf Phil 1:28; I Pet 3:16
Correct Encouragement Stop being conquered by the evil Start conquering the evil by the good
Conclusion Correctly respond to evil treatment God will be glorified The members of the Body will be encouraged