COMBASE - America's Newest Entrepreneurial Organizations 9/25/16 Community Colleges America’s Newest Entrepreneurial Organizations Dr. Tony Zeiss
Reality Check We must keep the doors open. We’ve moved from public supported to public assisted.~
A Time For Change Board and President must be entrepreneurial. President’s key leaders must become entrepreneurs. Community colleges must become educational enterprises.~
How? Positive Reactions to Negative Budgets Power of Partnering Developing an Entrepreneurial College Practical Tips for Fundraising ~
Positive Reactions to Negative Budgets
Budget Truths Don’t Spend What You Don’t Have ! Concentrate on Opportunities Concentrate on Opportunities!
Two Reactions to Budget Cuts Decrease Expenses (Engage everyone) INCREASE REVENUES
A. Decreasing Expenses Increased Class Size: Increased class size from 15/1 to 20/1 over a four-year cycle. Ensured optimal classroom utilization by using a room scheduling software. Increased Virtual Campus offerings utilizing teacher assistants. Shifted low enrollment programs to C.C.E. Reduced utility costs~
B. Increasing Revenues Primary Funding Sources: State and Local Governments Gifts and Donations Federal Grants Fees for Services ~
1. State and Local Governments Recruit “Champions” Know them well Board of Elections Leverage Board members, etc.~
Gifts and Donations Foundation Annual Campaign Special Events Capital Campaign Endowment Alumni Campaigns Planned Giving~
Federal Grants Forensics Academy Geospatial Program Homeland Security Integrated Systems Technology Non-destructive Testing~
Fees and Services Contract Training Establish a 501(c)(3) corporation (Become entrepreneurial)~
Contract Training Examples: Computer Training Supervisory Training Leadership Training Workplace Literacy Industry Specific Process Management Training Succession Training~
501(c)(3) Corporation Kirkwood – Facilities San Diego – Contract Training (General Support) CPCC – Incubates and operates small businesses (General Support)~
CPCC Services Corporation President’s Entrepreneurial Team (PET) Incubates Faculty-Staff Businesses Theaters Auxiliary Services CPCC Press Contracts Research Services Consulting Services Regional and national conferences Conference Center~
II. The Power of Partnering
Partnering Principles Identify prospects Benefits must be mutual Build trusting relationships Give value first Maintain trusting relationships~
Typical Partners Business (Family Dollar, Siemens) Community Based Organizations (Pathways) Government (Dept. of Labor) Educational Institutions (CRCGE) Individuals (Casey) Chamber (Training)~
Entrepreneurial College III. Developing an Entrepreneurial College Incentives and Rewards
How ? Get Board on board. Get faculty and staff involved. Provide incentives. Provide rewards~
Traditional Entrepreneurial Resource Driven Opportunity Driven Cost Oriented Opportunity Oriented Tradition Bound Innovative and Creative Traditional Leadership Entrepreneurial Leadership~
Make Entrepreneurialism Part of the Culture Establish 501(c)(3) Fee For Service Corporation. Teach entrepreneurialism to students, faculty, and staff. Establish Entrepreneur of the Year or Semester Awards. Give $ to grant administrators and sales teams. Merit and market-based compensation.~
COMBASE - America's Newest Entrepreneurial Organizations 9/25/16 Stay Optimistic!