MOCAN Worksites Workgroup WorkWell Missouri Toolkit Pilot Phase Karla Voss Workgroup Chair MO Department of Health and Senior Services
WorkWell Missouri Toolkit Step 1: Purpose Step 2: Getting Started Step 3: Assessing Step 4: Planning Step 5: Implementing Step 6: Evaluating Appendices: checklists, samples, and resources per health topic MU Ext., DHSS, and the MOCAN worksite workgroup and partners have revised the WW Toolkit which was made in 2009 to encourage worksites to improve employee wellness. Our goal is to guide employers at each step and give resources for programming to decrease a business’ time commitment when doing worksite wellness. We hope the toolkit outlines each step so a wellness coordinator could describe the steps to her committee or be able to promote WW to an employer The toolkit is created for small worksites who have never done worksite wellness but it would also help bigger businesses improve their programs. This toolkit is available on MU Ext’s webpage I’d like to go over each step so you become familiar with the toolkit.
Pilot Phase Recruitment 7 Regional Contacts actively gave TA to 15 sites: 4 County health departments (1 not funded) 3 Health systems (2 not funded) 2 Schools 2 Manufacturing companies 2 Social service entities 1 City government 1 Casino (not funded)
Pilot Phase Pre-Survey Trained in July, pre-surveyed by August 15 sites Over 1,000 participants total # of employees participating in workplace wellness ranged from 5 to 350 per site Most planned to address HE/AL and mental health policies/practices
Pilot Phase Process Gather wellness committee Assess interests of staff Complete the CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard Plan and implement events/initiatives
Requests for Funds Memberships to WELCOA, etc. Employee wellness resource station Sustaining ongoing programs/incentives Stability ball chairs Desk pedal bike policy/enviro change Resource station- Health magazines Workout DVDs Healthy Cookbooks Yoga Mats , weights
Pilot Post-Survey Overview Majority of pilots found the Toolkit easy to use Used printed and electronic versions Likely to continue using Feel better prepared to manage company's healthcare costs
Pilot Post-Survey After using this Toolkit, did your company DEVELOP or IMPLEMENT new policies/practices around these topics?
Pilot Post-Survey After using this Toolkit, did your company DEVELOP or IMPLEMENT new policies/practices around these topics?
Pilot Post-Survey Impact of using WorkWell Missouri Toolkit: Productivity increased- 53% of respondents Employee satisfaction increased- 64% of respondents
Pilot Post-Survey Impact of the Toolkit: “Overall good insights and overview of how to implement a worksite wellness initiative.” “We can target more areas of health concerns with what we learned from the Toolkit.” “Access to tools and resources when questions arise.”
Pilot Post-Survey Rate the importance to the success of workplace wellness efforts at your organization. Documenting our successes Identifying wellness needs in our organization Getting buy-in from management and employees Communicating wellness opportunities to participants
Pilot Post-Survey What additional training or support do you need? “We have great support from our Regional Contact. She is always there for us!” “Employee buy-in and participation.” “New ideas about ways to improve our program or other incentive ideas.” “Getting more backing from higher up staff.”
Pilot Post-Survey Other comments: “…They are excited and motivated…” “I think it is a great resource and would encourage other manufacturers to use it.” “We not only wanted to increase wellness at our place of employment but our community too.”
Pilot Phase Key Takeaways Essential to success: Management buy-in Coordinator Resource contact person
Thank You to our Partners Worksites Work Group the MOCAN Worksites Work Group encourages businesses to start and implement a wellness program for their staff. Please reach out to us if you need assistance.